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Howling Pass

Though the Howling Pass is a difficult and precarious place to traverse, hundreds of faeries from the Nursery Rhyme District pass through every year on their way to Yule City.


The Howling Pass is part of the Eris Range that flanks the northwest side of the Emerald Woodland. Its high elevation and steep cliffs make it a tricky land to travel through.


Being at such a high elevation, the organisms that live in the Howling Pass are adjusted to living in a low-oxygen environment. The few trees that are present do not grow to be over 2-3 meters in height.


The Howling Pass's climate boasts mild summers and cold winters. Mercifully, it is not prone to storms, making it a bit easier to traverse in the wintertime.

Fauna & Flora

Most times of the year, various bird species who make their nests in the short trees near the Howling Pass circle the skies above. Lizards, mice, and other small animals creep along the ground below.


Despite its precarity, hundreds of faeries traverse the Howling Pass every year en route to Yule City, since the route going through the Granite Plains and over Howling Pass is the most direct path between the Nursery Rhyme District and Yule City.
Northeast Pandora
Mountain Pass
Associated Element(s)
Air, Earth
Alternate Name(s)
Yule City Pass


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