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Jack Thunder

As seen in

Jackson Stormbringer Thunder (a.k.a. Jack Thunder)

Jackson Stormbringer Thunder, better known as Jack Thunder (or Gorogoro Jakku in Japanese), is the main protagonist of the Jack Thunder book series. He kicks off the series when he finds Stormbringer, a magical staff infused with the power of Air and the legendary Air Fragment, inside the mountain on his home of Tempest Island. He embarks on a quest to recover the six Anima Fragments, meeting friends along the way and setting out to banish the newly-returned Heart of Darkness which threatens Altairus.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jack Thunder is physically healthy, but being on the cusp of puberty comes with its own set of problems. He is not exceptionally strong or nimble, being a spellcaster, but he can fit into narrow spaces and slip between the bars on some cell doors due to his small size.

Identifying Characteristics

When Jack Thunder carries Stormbringer, the staff is nearly twice the size that he is, making it visible from a distance.

Physical quirks

The position of his antennae reflect his mood. They tend to flop over or droop if he is upset or tired and stand on end when he is happy, determined, or startled. When he is particularly angry, they quite literally get "bent out of shape." They always bend at sharp angles, no matter what.

Special abilities

Jack Thunder's badge signifies his power over thunderstorms and lightning. When he generates lightning, it has a bright green color, the same color as the Air magic Stormbringer emits. The staff Stormbringer allows him to create massive weather events and summon weather spirits without the aid of other storm gremlins.

Apparel & Accessories

Jack Thunder wears a pine-green jumpsuit with rainforest green gloves, boots, and badge. His badge bears the image of a lime-green arrow-tipped lightning bolt.

Specialized Equipment

Jack Thunder wields Stormbringer, a trident-shaped staff forged in the element of Air.

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It was wielded by San, a tengu spellcaster who was one of the six heroes who defeated the Heart of Darkness.
Jack Thunder found it in a cave on Mt. Tempest, the staff having landed in the cave after the Anima Fragments were scattered across Altarius.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before discovering Stormbringer, Jack Thunder's life was rather modest. He was raised by his older sister Frosti, and spent his days obsessively studying magical practice and venturing out to the lands Tempest Island passed over to explore. One day, when he was about 13 years old, he explored the foothills of Mt. Tempest hoping to find Air crystals for a spell and discovered a mysterious green glow coming from a cave he'd never seen before. Inside the cave he discovered a powerful trident-shaped staff. Though he experiences some bumps in the road, he quickly discovers the significance of the staff and embarks on a quest to find the other five Anima Fragments, meeting friends along the way.


Jack Thunder's magical prowess is mostly self-taught. When he was younger, Frosti brought him to numerous dojos where he received basic magical training, but since he was old enough, he has taken charge of his own magical study.

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When he finds the staff, he realizes that he cannot embark on his quest alone and relies on his mentors to teach him to use his newfound powers with the staff responsibly and instruct him on his journey.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Even before he found the Stormbringer, Jack Thunder was quite adept at weather magic. Almost all of his magic, save for some rudimentary spells he learned when he was a toddler, were self-taught.

Failures & Embarrassments

Unfortunately, Jack Thunder's self-imposed magical lessons did not always end in success. There were many times that he ended up accidentally summoning a storm or tornado that he didn't know how to control, and Frosti had to step in.

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When he finds the Stormbringer, his attempt to use it for good instead created a massive tornado that he had to extinguish.

Mental Trauma

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He and Frosti were both orphaned in the War of the Wendigoes when their parents went to fight the wendigoes on Earth and were killed in the conflict. The only memory he has left of them is the song "Laugh With the Thunder," which they used to sing to him as a lullaby. Since he doesn't remember them, he thinks that he made the song up himself. Despite knowing what happened to their parents and seeing how it affected Frosti and their entire community, he holds no resentment towards the humans, as he does not believe in collective guilt. Instead, he channels his grief through his magic study and honing his fighting prowess.

Intellectual Characteristics

Jack Thunder is incredibly gifted when it comes to memorizing and casting spells, but is very socially awkward. He tends to let his actions do the talking for him unless he gets particularly worked up.

Personality Characteristics


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Jack Thunder jumps at the opportunity to become the new wielder of Stormbringer and defeat the Heart of Darkness when the opportunity presents itself. He hopes that by undertaking this quest, he will be able to spare others from suffering the same losses that he and his sister experienced as a result of the War of the Wendigoes all those years ago.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He is quite knowledgeable when it comes to Anima magic, having been obsessively studying it since he was old enough to take charge of his own education. He knows a lot about defenses against wendigoes and Null magic in particular. He is not the best at handling social situations, especially those that require special ettiquette. He is quite possibly autistic.

Likes & Dislikes

If there is one thing that Jack Thunder absolutely abhors, it is when people assume less of him or anyone else just because of age or social status. He will not hesitate to take on individuals of much higher standing than him if he feels like those individuals are being unfair.

He also tends to enjoy treats and activities that are associated with the lower classes in many Altairian societies despite funny looks. Even as a hero, he is still a child and is interested in many of the same things that children are.

Virtues & Personality perks

With few exceptions, he sees the best in people and wants the best for them. That being said, he is not opposed to turning to violence if he thinks it is what is needed to protect himself or those he cares about, though he generally draws the line at killing.

His emotional sensitivity, though he sees it as a flaw, also lends him the ability to see situations in a different light and see the humanity behind the monsters that the wendigoes make out of the Altairians that they attach to. This helps him immensely on his quest.

Vices & Personality flaws

Having little regard for status, Jack Thunder doesn't always have the best sense of when he should keep his mouth shut or what is and isn't appropriate to say to some people. He doesn't aim to be rude, but he says exactly what he thinks with little regard to how it comes across, and he doesn't give people respect just because they are in a position of authority. This gets him into many fights.

Also, because his tendency to cry easily clashes with his idea of what a hero should act like, he often tries to suppress his tears, to little success. Often, these efforts either end with him losing control of his magic due to stress or hardening his heart too much and unwittingly blinding himself to his own intuition. During his journey, he learns that his emotionality is actually an asset, not a liability, and learns how to make his emotions work for him rather than just repressing them.


Contacts & Relations

Jack Thunder is quite socially awkward, but manages to build a base of trusted friends over the course of "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima."

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The first of these is a forest dragon named Scylla whom he enlists the help of when he extinguishes the tornado he accidentally created in the Emerald Woodland. She later becomes one of his team's mentors in the Earth book of the Fragments of Anima series.
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Earlier, in the Air act, he befriends San the tengu, the original wielder of Stormbringer who teaches him how to use it and helps him to grow on his journey towards defeating the newly returned Heart of Darkness.

Family Ties

He lives with his older sister Frosti Thunder,

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who has been raising him ever since their parents died and the Altairus portals closed. Later, San begins living with him when the latter comes to find Stormbringer and becomes Jack Thunder's mentor.

Social Aptitude

Despite what you might think, Jack Thunder is pretty introverted. For much of his childhood, he studied magic on his own and didn't have many close friends outside of Frosti and a few other storm gremlins. His tendency to blurt out whatever he is thinking can get him into trouble sometimes.

Hobbies & Pets

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In the fifth chapter of "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima - Book 1: Air," he finds a weather wyvern egg and raises it with the help of San the tengu. This weather wyvern, named Razer, serves as a trusted companion to the storm gremlin as a hatchling and serves as a mount when he gets older.


Jack Thunder has a high-pitched and somewhat raspy voice, akin to that of Rainbow Dash or Vanellope Von Schweetz. As he grows, his voice begins cracking, with there being periods where it sounds much deeper. As an adult, his voice is of a tenor register.

Jack Thunder's speech tends to be quite friendly and casual, even in situations where that normally wouldn't be appropriate. In the Japanese version, he uses the personal pronoun "boku" and uses the casual forms of verbs when speaking. When he is facing a wendigo, he refers to himself as "ore" or even "ore-sama" as a way of taunting and insulting it.

Date of Birth
April 30, 2241 G. E.
Circumstances of Birth
Jack Thunder was born during the coincidence of the Cherry Sun and the Crone Moon.
Tempest Island - Storm Gremlin Village
Current Residence
Tempest Island - Storm Gremlin Village
Golden yellow, ovular
Scruffy, silvery white under hood
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Moderate cyan
4'10'' (147cm)
96 lbs (44kg)
Character Prototype
Jack Thunder possesses characteristics from several characters:
  • Baikinman (his antennae and tail)
  • Spamton G. Spamton (his basic body structure and facial features)
  • Pikachu (not intentional, but his cheeks and electrical powers are similar to Pikachu's)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (attitude- and morality-wise)
  • Rainbow Dash (see above)
  • Twilight Sparkle (his role in the story as a leader)
  • Anpanman (his kindness and social awkwardness)
  • Lilo and Stitch (his skin color and propensity for trouble, as well as his backstory relating to his parents)
Jack Thunder's Badge
Jack Thunder in Hero Forge
Jack Thunder without his jumpsuit. You can see his hair here.
Jack Thunder in a kawaiiko art style. The kana at the top reads, "Konnichiwa! Boku wa Gorogoro Jaku (sic) desu!" (Hi there! I'm Jack Thunder!)


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