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Lycanthropy, known as "wereism" in Altairus, is the affliction that directly inspired werewolf legends. It can afflict any of the faery races and some magical beasts as well, though the latter is not as common. It involves the involuntary transformation of a faery into a wild beast, usually brought on by some extreme emotion or by a reaction to an abundance of Earth magic in an area.

Transmission & Vectors

Contrary to popular belief, wereism cannot be spread from a wound delivered by a sufferer. Rather, the condition is hereditary, passed from one generation to the next. While the condition itself is not contagious, the bites and scratches the afflicted delivers can harbor other diseases, so it is important to clean such wounds thoroughly.


Skinwalking is an ability shared by many faeries across Altairus, particularly those associated with the Earth element. The spell allows the user to morph into another being, commonly an animal, and use the form's attributes to the user's advantage. In healthy individuals, this is completely voluntary. In Altairians with wereism, however, this transformation can be set off accidentally, usually as a response to an extreme emotion or an abundance of Earth magic. In female faeries, menstruation can set off episodes.


When the condition is triggered, the patient will cast the skinwalking spell involuntarily, morphing into a form that possesses humanoid and bestial traits. Certain species have a greater likelihood of showing up in these forms than others; wolves, bears, and other apex predators are the most common morphs, but there have been cases of boar, deer, and even rabbit forms. Depending on the sufferer's mood before the transformation happened, the morph's demeanor can range from confused and scared but docile to enraged and hostile. In any case, the sufferer will often be very hungry after morphing, scouring their environment for food with complete disregard for others' property.


Unfortunately, there is no cure for wereism. There are, however, potions and medicines that can help halt the involuntary morphing. The belief that one can only kill a werewolf with a silver bullet comes from the fact that wearing silver jewelry can help the sufferer retain their true form.


Wereism is incurable, but ultimately, one can learn to live with it. By taking measures to stop the morphing before it happens, patients can live relatively normal lives.


The patient can retain some of the traits associated with the form they most commonly assume during involuntary transformations even when not morphed. For instance, an Altairian who morphs into a wolf may retain some extra body hair and lengthened canines when they morph back into their true form.

Affected Groups

Faeries are most commonly affected by wereism. The condition also exists in humans and magical beasts, but it is not as common.


Being that it is passed down from generation to generation, wereism is best prevented through genetic testing and taking proactive measures before the patient is born.

Cultural Reception

Generally, others tend to give a wide berth to those afflicted with wereism, since their morphing can be unpredictable. There are, however, some faeries who have managed to gain control over their wereism using certain breathing techniques and other emotion control strategies. This way, they have conditioned themselves to morph only when they want to. These individuals are commonly sought out for advice, as the techniques they use to control their morphing can help anyone struggling with tough emotions.
Chronic, Congenital


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