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Nemesis is a wendigo who serves the Heart of Darkness.

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First appearing in "Book 3: Darkness," Nemesis serves as the main source of opposition to Jack Thunder and his crew.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Nemesis wears the sigil of Null magic around its neck.

Physical Description

Body Features

Being a wendigo, Nemesis can take on any form it chooses. However, it usually manifests in the form of a humanoid being with a fanged goat skull for a head and cloven hooves wearing a grey and black cape.

Identifying Characteristics

Nemesis is unique in that whenever it transforms, it always keeps its goat skull-like face.

Special abilities

Nemesis is much higher powered than other wendigoes, and thus has the ability to command lesser wendigoes to do its bidding. It has access to many different spells and transformation, all stolen from Altairian beings.

Apparel & Accessories

Nemesis wears a grey-and-red cape with a pendant containing the Null sigil around its neck.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nemesis is the Heart of Darkness's best general, and the creature who is responsible for much of the destruction throughout "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima." Like all wendigoes, Nemesis was born from the darkness of the Flipside.

Intellectual Characteristics

Being a higher-powered wendigo, Nemesis is quite smart. It thrives in strategizing and taking command.

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It is also intelligent enough for intense introspection, which is what allows it to question its allegiance to the Heart of Darkness.

Morality & Philosophy

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In the beginning, Nemesis is wholly focused on defeating Jack Thunder and stopping his crew from banishing the Heart of Darkness. As the series goes on, however, Nemesis gains a healthy respect for the storm gremlin, seeing him as a worthy opponent. Furthermore, it witnesses the team breaking bread with each other and other beings in Altairus, and begins to yearn for his life. At the end of "Book 6: Light," it ultimately sacrifices itself to save Jack Thunder and company, willingly subscribing to being banished back to the Flipside while holding back an army of other wendigoes.

Personality Characteristics


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At first, Nemesis is only motivated to defeat Jack Thunder and usher in the Heart of Darkness's return. However, it begins to envy and respect the storm gremlin, and it sacrifices itself to protect the team.



Like the Heart of Darkness, Nemesis has a very harsh and distorted voice, which tends to shift in pitch from very low to very high. If it is trying to manipulate someone, its voice is much more pleasant, usually resembling the host's voice.

Divine Classification
Wendigo (demonic creature)
Smoldering red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pitch black
Known Languages

Nemesis, like other wendigoes, has the ability to acquire any language that its host knows by attaching to them and reading their memories.


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