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Null Magic

Null magic is sometimes referred to as "the seventh element" of Anima. However, this is a glaring inaccuracy, as Null magic is not Anima at all, but is in fact anti-Anima. Rather than casting magic out into the world, it sucks in and traps Anima. It is the most pervasive and dangerous threat to Altairus that exists.


Null magic does not come from Altairus, but rather comes from the Flipside and is associated with wendigoes. It can imitate the effect of any spell that Anima can perform, with the only difference in appearance being its deep black, light-sucking aura. This betrays the true nature of Null magic; rather than putting magic out into the world, it sucks it in and traps it, effectively acting as anti-Anima.

Unlike Anima, Null magic does not require extensive study or practice to utilize. Because of this, it is very easy to be seduced by the cheap power Null magic provides, at least in the beginning. However, while all elements of Anima have both constructive and destructive aspects, Null magic is always destructive, even for spells that would otherwise be neutral or even beneficial due to its vampiric nature. Thus, it creates a vicious cycle; Null magic drains Anima from its user, the user becomes depleted, their Anima magic becomes weaker, and they resort to more Null magic to try and restore their Anima. Eventually, they may get to the point where they are effectively addicted to Null magic, being constantly afraid of losing it.

Even worse, Null magic tears rifts in reality that allow wendigoes to travel into the world. These spirits can then attach to users and feed off of their flaws and insecurities to convince them to use more Null magic, stealing more and more Anima to empower themselves with each spell. This is known as wendigo possession.

Young Altairians are taught about wendigoes and Null magic and how to defend against them as soon as they start their magical training. This enables them to guard themselves and their loved ones against the omnipresent threat and teaches them how to avoid succumbing to its temptations.

The Null Magic Sigil


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