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Rainbow Country

Rainbow Country is a rather colorful land located on the west side of Pandora. Many consider it to be the most beautiful land in all of Altairus!


Rainbow Country is a temperate grassland. It is mostly meadows that shimmer and sparkle with multicolored flowers at all times of the year except winter. Its most notable feature and the one it is named for are the myriad crystalline rainbows that are scattered all throughout and connect the land to the sky.


Being that Rainbow Country is associated with the Light element, organisms that are primarily of the Light and Earth elements can be found here.

Ecosystem Cycles

The flowers of Rainbow Country burst into bloom at all times of the year except winter. Their scent depends on the season; in spring, they smell almost achingly sweet, in summer, they possess a pleasantly smoky, umami aroma, and in autumn they smell much like pumpkin spice.

Localized Phenomena

As mentioned before, Rainbow Country gets its name from the rainbows that materialize at random. These rainbows are solid and can be used to travel from the ground to one of Altairus's floating islands for non-Air elementals.


At all times of the year, Rainbow Country is blessed with a mild climate. The summers are not too hot, and the winters are not too cold.

Fauna & Flora

Flowers, grasses, and the occasional tree compose Rainbow Country's flora. The fauna consist of meadow creatures one might find on Earth, such as squirrels, rabbits, and foxes, while the more fantastical fauna include creatures you might have heard about in fairy tales; light unicorns, tiny, insect-winged faeries, and some smaller dragon species all live in Rainbow Country.

Natural Resources

Despite appearances, Rainbow Country is a surprisingly poor location for agriculture. This is not so much a reflection of poor weather or soil quality as it is a reflection of how aggressive the local wildflowers are. They are uniquely adapted to fierce competition for resources amongst themselves, and any plant that is not sufficiently competitive is sucked dry within a few days. For this reason, the fields of Rainbow Country are largely left alone.


Rainbow Country is both a popular spot for tourism given its natural beauty and the utility of its walkable rainbows in traversing between the ground and the sky.
Rainbow Country Butterfly tea, an herbal tea with flowers and fruits from Rainbow Country.
West Pandora
Temperate Grassland
Associated Element
Alternate Name(s)
Colorful Country


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