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Shadow Pawsworth (a.k.a. Shadow-Paws)

Shadow-Paws is a nekomata who works with the Circus of Shadows, maintaining the rides at the Dark Carnival.

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In Book 3 of "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima," he helps Jack Thunder and his crew uncover a conspiracy occurring at the Carnival and ultimately becomes the new wielder of Lethal Joke, the Fragment of Darkness.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shadow-Paws is surprisingly strong for his short stature and lean build. Years of hauling heavy equipment across continents and building structures from the ground up will do that to you. Unexpectedly for a nekomata, he is not very graceful, especially when he's afraid.

Body Features

Shadow-Paws' nickname is a bit ironic considering that his paws aren't the thing that's shadowy about him. He has a tuxedo fur pattern; his body is black while his paws, face, and tail tips are white.

Special abilities

Being a nekomata, Shadow-Paws was hired for his ability to animate the Dark Carnivals' rides. This is a job he takes very seriously.

He has a number of other psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and clairsentience, although being so young means that using these abilities wears him out quickly. He also tends to have premonitions, which come in the form of "flash-forwards" that he experiences at random. These premonitions tend to be hard to decipher since they only show a very specific event with none of the context surrounding it.

Apparel & Accessories

Shadow-Paws is only ever seen wearing a pair of old slacks, sometimes with a pouch full of tools attached to the belt.

Specialized Equipment

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At the end of "Book 3: Darkness," Shadow-Paws becomes the new wielder of Lethal Joke, the Fragment of Darkness and a grenade launcher that launches grenades full of laughing gas at opponents.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shadow-Paws has worked at the Circus of Shadows for years. He spent most of his childhood traveling around Altairus with the Circus of Shadows, setting up the tents and rides and then tearing them down when it was time to leave. He views the harlequin gremlins and other nekomata at the Circus as his friends.

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When he first runs into Jack Thunder and company, it is not under the best of circumstances. They first suspect him of conspiring with the wendigoes, but soon learn that he is in the dark about what is about to happen. He ultimately saves the day when he uses Lethal Joke to defeat Nemesis through the power of laughter.


Shadow-Paws learned most of what he knows on the job at the Circus of Shadows. He is skilled in building, animating, and deconstructing carnival rides and circus tents in particular.


Shadow-Paws applied to work at the Circus of Shadows as soon as he was able to at six years old. Since then, the circus has served as his surrogate family.

Accomplishments & Achievements

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In "Book 3: Darkness," Shadow-Paws takes the battle to the wendigo general Nemesis alongside Jack Thunder and Buckthorn. Their performance induces raucous laughter in the audience, beating Nemesis back enough for them to defeat him.

Mental Trauma

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Everyone in Shadow-Paws's family save for him was killed in the War of the Wendigoes. He scraped by for a few years by foraging and stealing until he applied to work at the Circus of Shadows when he was six years old. Seeing his potential, the circus hired him and took him in as one of their own. Since then, he has been living with them.

Intellectual Characteristics

Shadow-Paws is incredibly gifted for his age. At the age of 13 years, he has managed to hold down a steady job for 7 years. He is a skilled engineer and understands the inner workings of Lethal Joke when nobody else can figure it out.

Morality & Philosophy

Initially, Shadow-Paws does not see the value in laughter despite The Great Strombolio's teachings.

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When he is forced into battle with Jack Thunder and Buckthorn against Nemesis, he comes to see the value in levity. Seeing how laughter increases Undifferentiated Anima's power makes him realize how important levity and joviality will be in defeating the wendigoes.

Personality Characteristics


At first, Shadow-Paws just wants to do his job without any interference.

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Over the course of "Book 3: Darkness," he realizes the conspiracy behind the Dark Carnival and dedicates himself to helping Jack Thunder and company stem the threat. He ultimately joins them in the final battle against Nemesis, using what he learned to defeat the wendigo.

Virtues & Personality perks

Shadow-Paws takes his job very seriously and is very loyal to Strombolio in particular. He sees the latter as his father much like Jack Thunder sees San as a father figure.

Vices & Personality flaws

Shadow-Paws is quite cynical for his age.

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This is to be expected, given his past. Still, he doesn't immediately understand the value in joy. In the final battle, he sees for himself how important laughter is and eases up a bit. He still retains his snarkiness, but he gets better.

He can also be hot-headed and short-sighted due to his age.

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When he learns the truth about the conspiracy, his first reaction is to grab Lethal Joke and attempt to take out Nemesis himself. This ends with the latter curb-stomping him and the team being forced to retreat.


Contacts & Relations

Shadow-Paws is very familiar with the other employees of the Circus of Shadows, going as far as to consider them his friends and family. He sees the Great Strombolio as his father figure.


Shadow-Paws doesn't talk much. When he does, his voice has a tenor register. It tends to sound like a cat's meow, hiss, or screech depending on his mood.

Date of Birth
October 11, 2241 G.E.
Circumstances of Birth
Shadow-Paws was born during the coincidence of the Oak Sun and the Infant Moon.
Blood Red with Catlike Pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black and White with a Tuxedo Pattern
100 lb
Character Prototype

Shadow-Paws' abilities mimic those of Espurr in Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. His name also invokes Shadow the Hedgehog.

Shadow-Paws in Hero Forge


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