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Storm Gremlin Jumpsuit Ceremony

The Jumpsuit Ceremony is a coming of age ritual practiced by storm gremlins. In their infancy, widgets (baby storm gremlins) are all dressed in the same shapeless frocks. At around 2-4 years of age, they will start to show signs of their own personality and test out their magical powers. When a storm gremlin first uses its magical powers, they are considered to have graduated from infancy to childhood. They are gifted with


After a widget shows evidence of having magical powers, the rest of the village is notified. The gremlins quickly set to work stitching them a jumpsuit. The color of the jumpsuit is a reflection of their personality, and it bears a badge with a symbolic representation of the magical powers the widget displayed. Once the jumpsuit is finished, a party is held at the widget's residence where the widget will be fitted with the jumpsuit. Since storm gremlins are not creatures that enjoy a lot of pomp and frills, these gatherings tend to be rather simple, casual get-togethers with food and entertainment provided from within the village.

Components and tools

The most important part of the ritual is the jumpsuit, gloves, and boots the widget is fitted with. These are typically fashioned a week before the gathering. This is only the first of many, as the jumpsuits are remade as the widget grows, but it is the most cherished one. Many storm gremlins will keep their first jumpsuit long after they have outgrown it.
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