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Talking Animal

You are probably very familiar with talking animals. These faeries are typically associated with the Earth element, taking the form of Earth mammals such as dogs, cats, cows, etc. that possess humanlike bodies and capabilities.

It is important to note that this category is a "dustbin category." A faery is a talking animal if and only if it is an anthropomorphic animal that does not fit into any of the other races of anthropomorphic animals (such as nekomata and kitsune).

Basic Information


All talking animals, regardless of type, resemble humans with animal heads and extra features such as tails, fur, and claws. In a way, they resemble the animal characters from the works of Beatrix Potter.

Genetics and Reproduction

Being that most talking animals are mammals, most of them give live birth. Talking animals that take after birds are an exception; they lay eggs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Much like humans, all talking animals are omnivorous, though each has their individual preferences.


Talking animals behave like people in many ways. They periodically exhibit behaviors that allude to their half-animal nature, such as a dog person liking to stick their head out the window of a carriage.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Talking animals have the largest geographic distribution of any other faery race. They most infamously inhabit the Nursery Rhyme District, but they have carved out spaces in most Altairian societies all across the globe.

Average Intelligence

Talking animals are sapient. They have formed many advanced societies across Altairus.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Talking animals' sensory capabilities are tailored to what animal species they take after. Dog people have a superior sense of smell, cat people have sensitive hearing, etc.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

The talking animals of the Nursery Rhyme District in particular can be quite traditional in regards to gender, though this is not a hard and fast rule.


It is believed that talking animals are the oldest race of faeries to exist in Altairus. This is a fair guess, as they are the most diverse and widespread race in the world.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

There is no real animosity towards talking animals as a race in Altairus, seeing as how widespread they are. Indeed, their counsel and assistance is highly valued in many Altairian cultures.


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