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Terry Paradise

As seen in

Terrence Goldfield Paradise (a.k.a. Terry)

Terry Paradise is one storm gremlin who knows how to keep his cool! Born soon after the Summer Solstice, this storm gremlin loves all things summer. Perpetually flushed pink and freckled from being out in the sun all day, he particularly has a knack for bringing sunny weather wherever he goes. He is well-liked by Altairians both in his circle and outside because of this. Terry's golden-child status amongst the storm gremlins on Tempest Island irks Jack Thunder to no end, so he maintains a one-sided rivalry with Terry. This all changes when the wendigoes return to Altairus.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Terry is in the same condition as Jack Thunder. He too is going through puberty, making him a little less easygoing than he was before.

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This is part of what led him to being possessed by the wendigo that Jack Thunder fought and defeated towards the end of "Book 1: Air."

Facial Features

His face is perpetually pink and sunburned, and clusters of freckles have begun to develop on his nose and cheeks.

Identifying Characteristics

The warm colors of his outfit and his slicked-back hair give him a sunny, care-free appearance.

Physical quirks

Terry's antennae can emote similarly to Jack Thunder's, drooping when upset and standing upright when excited. They are quite a bit shorter than his, however, so their expression is limited.

Special abilities

Terry Paradise's powers center mainly around sunny weather. While he can control clouds, he mostly uses his powers to clear them out of the sky so that the sun can shine through. He can also intensify the sun's light and heat to battle enemies or to accomplish tasks.

Apparel & Accessories

Terry Paradise wears a mango-colored jumpsuit with golden yellow gloves, boots, and badge. His badge symbol is a scarlet sun above a rolling wave. He also has a pair of slant-eyed sunglasses that he wears everywhere he goes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Terry was born one year before Jack Thunder. He, too, was present for the War, but remembers just as much of it as Jack Thunder does. He prefers not to think about it too much, instead focusing on the here and now.

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When Jack Thunder began training under San, Terry became incredibly jealous. He started seeing this as a sign that he should stop being so lazy and start taking his life more seriously. It was these feelings that allowed a wendigo to attach to and feed on him. When Tempest Island began suffering Anima depletion and wendigo substance began oozing out of his mouth, Terry hid in a cave on Mt. Tempest to try to control the damage. Jack Thunder rescued him and purged him of the wendigo soon after.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Like Jack Thunder, Terry has spent most of his life learning magic on his own. However, he is much less serious about it. Instead of spending long hours studying, he learns magic to find new ways to have fun.

Mental Trauma

Terry Paradise lost his uncle in the War of the Wendigoes. He doesn't remember much of him except for what his family saved in photographs and memorabilia.

Personality Characteristics


Terry doesn't have a master plan for his life; he's just trying to live it day by day.

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This changes when the wendigoes come back. He becomes possessed by a wendigo, and Jack Thunder has to save him. He admits to being envious of Jack Thunder and questioning his own life choices, which is what led to the wendigo possession in the first place. He becomes one of Jack Thunder's staunchest supporters.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Terry is, unsurprisingly, a surfing fanatic. Whether in the clouds or in the waters, he always wants to be riding the waves.

Virtues & Personality perks

Terry Paradise sees the best in everyone, with few exceptions. He likes to have fun, but he likes it even more if others are having fun, too.

Vices & Personality flaws

His devil-may-care attitude sometimes leads him to disregard serious matters until it is too late, and then he doesn't know what to do.

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This is what initially led him to get possessed by the wendigo that invaded Tempest Island. He quickly realized something was wrong and hid inside a Mt. Tempest cave, but the wendigo continued to drain the land and Jack Thunder had to save the day.


Contacts & Relations

Jack Thunder maintains a friendly rivalry with him.

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When the wendigoes return, Terry becomes his best supporter.

Social Aptitude

Terry is far more socially apt than Jack Thunder and has many friends. This is one of his traits Jack Thunder is envious of.

Hobbies & Pets

Terry has many outdoor hobbies, such as hiking and surfing. The latter he is good enough at to have a championship in.


Terry's voice is very similar to Jack Thunder's, but it has a slightly lower pitch, being almost tenor. Like Jack Thunder, his manner of speech is quite casual and fun-loving.
Date of Birth
July 14, 2240 G. E.
Sea blue
Brassy white, almost blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very light indigo
4'9'' (145 cm)
96 lbs (44kg)
Character Prototype

Terry Paradise is a lot like Funshine Bear in color scheme and personality.


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