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The Emerald Woodland

The Emerald Woodland is located in the center of the continent of Pandora. This massive wild forest is home to a range of different species, from mighty forest dragons and white harts to faerie snails, owls, and rabbits. The mysical world tree Ygdrassil resides in this verdant forest.


The Emerald Woodland is a vast, wild-growing forest with a massively overgrown underbrush and a canopy so thick that it is more like a cave in some places than a forest. On the south side, the Arachno River cuts through the forest, and to its west is the Eris Range. The world tree Ygdrassil resides on its north side.


The Emerald Woodland is perhaps the most ecologically diverse place in all of Altairus. It has a vast range of animals that reside within its borders, from dragons to stags to tree serpents to rabbits and squirrels. The plant life is mostly deciduous, though there are a few coniferous species that thrive in the Emerald Woodland.

Ecosystem Cycles

Being a deciduous forest, the Emerald Woodland becomes the Ruby Woodland in the autumn. Leaves of green turn to golden yellow, citrine orange, and ruby red. In the winter, the trees are bare and the ground is covered in snow. Come spring, the many plants of the Emerald Woodland are in full bloom, and by summer, the land is as emerald as ever.


The Emerald Woodland enjoys a fairly mild, moist climate most of the time. Sometimes, though, extreme weather events can occur, whether that is thunderstorms in the summer or snowstorms in the winter. Most of the time, the woodland's thick canopy shields its denizens from the worst of this weather.

Natural Resources

Given how many animals reside in the Emerald Woodland, most wouldn't dare of cutting down any of the trees. Instead, these trees produce a number of exotic and fantastical fruits which are enjoyed all throughout Altairus.
East Pandora  
Deciduous Forest  
Associated Element
Important Landmarks
Ygdrassil (The World Tree), The Arachno River  
Alternate Name(s)
The Ruby/Citrine/Topaz Woodland (in autumn)
Related Traditions


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