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The Winter Solstice Spirit

People on Earth often speak of Christmas Spirit. The Spirit of Christmas is understood to be the feelings of joy and generosity that the holiday season often brings. As important as it is to many people, it is not a force that exists in the literal sense.

In Altairus, though, the Christmas Spirit, or the Winter Solstice Spirit, as it is called, is an actual metaphysical phenomenon that shows itself throughout the year. Centered at Yule City, the Winter Solstice Spirit is a tangible force and a powerful form of the magic that binds Altairus together.


The Winter Solstice Spirit takes on the form of a bright glowing star with a rainbow aura surrounding it. This star is much larger than any others in the night sky. When Yule City is close, the spirit will appear to be directly over the city.

The Winter Solstice Spirit is a manifestation of the spirit of the season in physical form. All of the cheer and goodwill of the beings of Altairus fuels the spirit throughout the year. When it shows itself around the Winter Solstice, it repays the Altairians who gave it strength by bathing the entire world in its power.

Being in the presence of the Winter Solstice Spirit or its energy has a number of positive effects. Looking directly at the Winter Solstice Spirit in the sky leads one to be filled with a joyful and generous spirit. Even the worst curmudgeons of Altairus are powerless to resist the wave of joy the spirit brings. Indirectly, the Winter Solstice Spirit also restores the world's Anima at this time of year and can even restore the sick to health.

Being entirely composed of Undifferentiated Anima, the Winter Solstice Spirit not only restores and enhances the magic of Altairus, but it is a powerful ward against wendigoes. This is the reason why not appreciating the Winter Solstice is such serious business; disdain for the season and what it represents weakens the power of the Winter Solstice Spirit, opening avenues for wendigoes to attack.


At all times of the year, the Winter Solstice Spirit can be seen hovering above Yule City. For travelers drawing north, it serves as a beacon with Yule City directly below it.

For roughly two weeks surrounding the Winter Solstice (approximately from December 15 - December 28 in the northern hemisphere and from June 15 - June 28 in the southern hemisphere most years), the Winter Solstice Spirit is visible in all Altairian skies regardless of location.

Many Altairians consider the appearance of the Winter Solstice Spirit in the sky to be a sign of a great miracle. In many Altairian literary works, the Winter Solstice Spirit is used as a plot device to foreshadow a miracle about to happen.

Yule City
Metaphysical, Arcane
See Also
Winter Solstice


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