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Turquoise Archipelago

Located just off the coast of the Nursery Rhyme District, the Turquoise Archipelago is a popular vacationing spot for Altairians all across Pandora.


The Turquoise Archipelago consists of four islands located in the Turquoise Sea just off of Pandora's east coast. The middle of these islands is the largest.


All across the Turquoise Archipelago, subtropical plants and animals thrive. Palm trees and tropical flowers grow in abundance in the islands' jungles.

Ecosystem Cycles

While the archipelago is not far from the Nursery Rhyme District, it experiences less variation in its seasons due to being surrounded by water.


The Turquoise Archipelago is a bit warmer than the Nursery Rhyme District due to warm fronts and being surrounded by the very warm Turquoise Sea. This is what allows tropical plants and animals to thrive on its islands.

Fauna & Flora

Tropical flowers, fruits, and palm trees grow in abundance within the archipelago's forests. Towards the ocean, reefs house all kinds of tropical fish and coral. Farther out in the Turquoise Sea is the capital of the reef siren nation.

Natural Resources

The Reef Siren Nation is home to an abundance of sea treasures. In addition to being perhaps the world's greatest spot for seafood, the myriad collection of shells, corals, and other underwater treasures draws in Altairians from all over the world.
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It is also where the Water Fragment, the Seastone, is rumored to lie.


Initially, it was only the denizens of the Nursery Rhyme District who ventured to the Turquoise Archipelago for vacationing. After the War of the Wendigoes, however, the nations of Altairus became much more cooperative with one another, and it wasn't long before Altairians from all across the continent began to travel to the islands. To this day, the islands have a very similar demographic to the Nursery Rhyme District; talking animals and Earth faeries are the primary residents of these islands.


The islands are a popular vacation destination, not just for the Nursery Rhyme District dwellers who started the tradition but for all of Pandora. The biggest seasons for tourism are spring and summer.
East Coast Pandora
Associated Element
Alternate Names
Turquoise Islands, Paradise Islands, Atlantis (for the Reef Siren Nation Capital)


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