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Wendigo Banishing Incantation

The Wendigo Banishing Incantation is considered critical to the continued survival of Altairus. Essentially, it serves as spiritual naloxene; it strips wendigoes of all of their ill-gotten power and banishes them back to the Flipside while not harming the magical or non-magical beings that they may be possessing. Since there is no risk to casting this spell, it is taught to young faeries and elementals as soon as they are capable of using magic.


This incantation releases a massive beam of Undifferentiated Anima that strips wendigoes of their ill-gotten power and sends them back to the Flipside, sealing the rift they came from afterwards.

Side/Secondary Effects

Any magical or non-magical beings that come into contact with the beams of Undifferentiated Anima while this spell is being cast, including the spellcaster(s), may experience elevated mood for several hours afterwards, and there is evidence that it can help heal sickness as well, although not to the extent of most healing spells.


When cast, the spell manifests as a massive beam of Undifferentiated Anima, which has a white glow with a rainbow sheen. When this beam touches a wendigo that has been sufficiently weakened, it tears the wendigo to pieces before sending it hurtling back through the rift it came from. It will then turn and home in on any other wendigoes it can and similarly banishes them. Afterwards, the rift seals with a small explosion, which also gives off a rainbow aura.


This spell uses Undifferentiated Anima, which is Anima that is composed of all six elements. Anima of this sort is very powerful and since it is highly repulsive and harmful to wendigoes, it is used for spells against wendigoes in particular.


During the Golden Era, only specially trained protectors knew this spell. It was believed that closely guarding it was the best way to protect it from falling into the wrong hands. After the War of the Wendigoes, however, Altairian authorities realized that Altairus could best prevent a wendigo invasion on that scale from happening again by ensuring that this spell was known by as many Altairians as possible. In the Post-Separation era, faeries are taught it as soon as they can perform magic (usually around toddler age).

Material Components

None required.

Gestures & Ritual

Once a wendigo has been sufficiently weakened, aim your staff, wand, hand, or other conduit for spellcasting towards your target. Next, recite this incantation:


Back to the Flipside with you and your hate!


You have no place in this land of dreams!


We belong to Altairus, Altairus is ours!


Now, begone!


Upon uttering the last word, make a sweeping gesture with your non-dominant hand. From your magic channeling hand/tool a beam of pure Undifferentiated Anima will burst out. This beam will home in on any wendigoes that are present and strip away their power before throwing them back into the rift from whence they came, sealing it afterwards.

Related Element
Varies. Depends on how many wendigoes there are and how much Anima power the user has.
Applied Restriction

In the case of a particularly powerful wendigo, simply casting this incantation alone may not be enough. Either the user has to acquire a significant amount of magical power or the wendigo has to be worn down first, or both. In the case of the Heart of Darkness, six magical weapons were forged from the elements of Anima for the express purpose of banishing it, and even then the six heroes had to weaken its influence and wear it down in battle to be able to banish it.


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