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Yule Goat

While they may look like devils, Yule goats are actually Altairus's equivalent to Santa Claus and his elves. These dark faeries have an important task every winter; to make sure that the Solstice Spirit remains with Altairians everywhere all year round.

Basic Information


Yule goats carry a striking similarity to the figure of Baphomet on Earth. They resemble short bipedal goats with small bat wings attached to their back. Their feet are cloven hooves, but their hands are human-like and quite dextrous, which allows them to use them to build toys and other presents for Altairians during the Winter Solstice season.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like all mammals, Yule goats give live birth. They will typically only have one or two young at a time.

Growth Rate & Stages

It is interesting to note that Yule goats grow up fairly quickly. While they are altricial at birth, they begin walking and using their hands at only a few weeks. This is important, as they are in charge of handling the Winter Solstice and all of its traditions.

Ecology and Habitats

The Yule goats live in the northern regions of Pandora, predominantly Yule City and the Razorfrost Taiga. They are adapted to thrive in extremely cold temperatures.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Yule goats are obligate herbivores. While they do consume milk and honey, their diet consists mainly of lichens and plants found in the Razorfrost Taiga and other northern areas. Occasionally, they like to eat the candy that grows near Yule City.


Unlike the mythical Christmas elves of yore, Yule goats are quite reserved, opting to focus on their tasks rather than putting a lot of effort into being "jolly." The exception to this is the Elder Goat. Being the equivalent to Santa Claus in Altairus, the Elder Goat is much more sociable than other Yule goats, visiting Altairians just before the Winter Solstice to receive their wishes and take them back to Yule City.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

All Yule goats have the Dark symbol, a violet crescent moon turned on its side, on their foreheads.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Unlike Earth goats, Yule goats' eyes have round pupils. If that is not enough, their eyes are positioned and flexible enough so that they can either focus out to the sides (like many ungulates) or can focus in the front (much like predator animals). It is hypothesized that this allows them to focus on the presents they are making and still be able to focus outward if they need to.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Many Yule goats, particularly those who live in Yule City, are employed under the Elder Goat and actively participate in fulfilling the tasks of the Winter Solstice.

Common Dress Code

While many Yule goats are content to go without clothing, a few will wear harness-like garments in colors associated with the Winter Solstice (red, green, gold, silver, blue). Sometimes, these garments will be lined with jingle bells, making a festive noise whenever the Yule goat moves.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Yule City is based around carrying out the tasks associated with the Winter Solstice; the Elder Goat visits the many lands of Altairus to gather the wishes from the local residents. These wishes are carried back to Yule City, where he and the other Yule goats sift through them to find ones that can be granted and separate them from ones that best don't come true. The wishes that pass the test are taken to the Pool of Solstice Wishes. One by one, they are dropped into the pool and the magic of the pool sets about making those wishes come true. On the Winter Solstice, those whose wishes didn't get granted are given little gifts like toys and candy as consolation offerings.

Common Taboos

Yule goats consider not liking the Winter Solstice to be scandalous. If one confesses to this in front of them, they will react as if that person swore harshly. This is doubly true if the person is in Yule City, and triply true if it is around the Winter Solstice. This reaction is justified, as if too many Altairians are devoid of the Solstice Spirit, the Undifferentiated Anima that protects Yule City can falter, opening it to wendigo attacks.


Since very far back in Altairian history, Yule goats have served as the equivalent to Christmas elves in Altairus. During the Golden Era, humans who visited Altairus around the Winter Solstice would sometimes encounter these creatures in the north, inspiring many stories about the holiday. Post-separation, the origin of these stories has been all but forgotten, but the influences on Earth cultures still remain.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Yule goats are considered synonymous with the Winter Solstice. Despite their reclusive nature, Altairians all around the globe revere them for their role in Winter Solstice traditions, which strengthen the power of Anima and protect Altairus from outside threats.
Scientific Name
Faeus Capronus
Average Height
4-5 ft.
Average Weight
60-110 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most Yule goats are either white, black, or piebald (black and white patches) in color. Very rarely, a Yule goat may have brown fur.


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