Achernar Character in Altaros | World Anvil
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Achernar (a.k.a. The White)

He's the leader of The Rats, a sub-group of Thieves' Guild in The Grand Duchy of Leikomeron.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Achernar is a calm fellow and more stern than easy-going. He prefers to get things done and doesn't really care how they are done, as long as it won't cause more problems in the future. He has seen a lot during his years and among the circles of the underworld he is well-known and respected. People often say that he has one soft spot and that is his adoptive son Gordo, yet no one sees the tiedling treating the now an adult goliath any differently than the rest of his crew. He is just and rarely loses his temper. Yet, the legends say that when he truly loses it, the hell breaks loose.    He rose to the the leading role of The Rats a better part of a decade ago, before he was the right-hand man of the previous boss. That must be one of the reasons why the people working for him think that he understands the work better than many others, as Achernar himself started from the bottom and got as high.   The tiefling man is easy to reason with, if you have any purchase. He doesn't usually demand people to perform miracles, but he expects them to 'feed the family' and not fuck up in a way that it would cost the 'family' something. "You can fuck up on your own time" is one of his favourite phrases.


Family Ties

He has an adopted son Gordo whom he brought up after a gig went wrong, ending up taking in the boy who was the sole withness of an assassination.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Greyish, but the left eye doesn't see well due to an old injury
Short and white
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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