The Mysterious Case of Some Missing Bananas Prose in Altaros | World Anvil
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The Mysterious Case of Some Missing Bananas

There was a heavy knock on the door. The white-haired tiefling man raised his gaze from the ledger he had been filling out. Accounting was such a pain in the arse.
”What is it?”
He asked, and then continued to write before the ink on his quill would dry out. A few markings there, and then one should take into account the sudden influx of foreign ’fruits’, which…
”Got a message for you, boss.”
A familiar, deep voice began, forcing a sigh out of the tiefling’s mouth.
”From whom, Gordo? I told you before that I am doing serious business and would hate to be interrupted at this time.”
He explained calmly, because his frustration was not aimed at his loyal goliath bodyguard. Gordo was a gentle giant, but when he began to rage he was unstoppable. Like some of the biggest hunting dogs think they are small enough to fit in your lap like back then when they were puppies. He had taken in Gordo after an otherwise successfull assassination gig had turned a little bit sour, when the rich noble had had a new slave boy who had silently withnessed everything from behind a lounge chair. There had not been a single sign of fear on the tall and lanky boy’s face.

  Some had called him soft-hearted when he had taken in the boy and given him his freedom, but no one laughed now. Gordo had saved his life for real a couple times, and even when Achernar had forced the boy to attend school and he had truly hoped the boy wouldn’t need to live the same unstable life of crime, the goliath had stayed on his side since the day one and had not budged an inch. The older tiefling was secretly content about that; he had never thought he would have a family as this job didn't really support such big decisions, but now his life was one foster child richer. Gordo was a good son and they got along well, but as the leader of the Rats he had to treat his son the same as the rest of his men.

  ”From the Lurkers. They wanted to inform you that one of their men hasn’t returned from their mission and politely blame us on his dissappearance.”
”And why is that, Gordo? I don’t think it’s our business if their men decide to take a sudden vacation, is it?”
”No, Boss, but that man was assigned to meet with one of ours. It was about the Fruits. The bananas that have been missing from the shipments.”
The Goliath’s answer silenced the tiefling. Ah, yes, he remembered the case of missing bananas. Such a trivial thing, and now they were here, demanding an explanation over something like that?

Achernar scratched his chin, pondering.
”Remind me again: Who did we put in charge of that?”
”One of the fresh ones, Boss. Should have been the easiest case, that’s why. Had to take Bourignon off the case, we needed her expertise with the L’aissez-faire problem.”
”Ah, yes, now I remember. Bring me the green one, let’s ask them if they have something to tell us. I want to know if there’s something behind this or if the Lurkers are just being lurkers. ”
”On it, Boss.”
The Goliath closed the door after him. Achernar let the quill down and stretched his shoulders a little, before glancing through the window, which gave in to the harbor street. No new ships today, but if the winds were favorable, The Eel should arrive in couple of days. This little hiccup would need to be solved before the next big shipment, because they would need all helping hands they could get to unload the vessel. It was surprising that The Lurkers were so active, as they rarely interacted with other factions. Either there was indeed something bigger going on behind the scenes or they had new leaders... It was interesting, nevertheless.

A short prologue for a new DnD campaign I'll be starting to DM for some friends in next year. This is the first appearance of the Thieves Guild Leader Achernar  The White and his bodyguard Gordo.


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