The Elves are agile, humanoid creatures famous for their unnatural beauty. During the years the race has split into many different ethnicities, some of them even so different that they could be nearly considered as their own races.
The Main Elven lineages are as follows:
The High Elves : the pale and tall elves who live in beautiful cities and are masters of magic.
The Dark Elves : the dark-skinned cousins who were forced to habitate the dangerous terrain of Underdark.
The Wood Elves : The forest-dwellers who despise the stagnant way of living in the cities, preferring nomadic lifestyle.
The Sea Elves : The elves whose physique has adapted into living underwater.
The Eladrin : The primal elven lineage, of which all the others slowly formed from. They are nowadays extremely rare and considered extinct but revered forefathers.
There are elven tribes and other elven lineages which do not fit the list of main lineage. They are usually small in numbers and considered being subspecies of some other main lineages.
Some other elven ethnicities not considered their own lineages yet by the academics:
The Fey'ri, or The Hunters: Some wood elves on the area of The Old Sea strenghtened their heritage with fiendish blood, often sporting horns and narrow pupils.
The Main Elven lineages are as follows:
Some other elven ethnicities not considered their own lineages yet by the academics: