Lareiltha Settlement in Altaros | World Anvil
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The name Lareiltha is still something people of Astaros use when they describe something beautifully built or arranged. "Beautiful as Lareiltha", is a common saying among the people, especially the elves of Astaros, which itself is enough to tell that Lareiltha truly was a remarkable place, as elves rarely give compliments to lesser races and their accomplishments. 
Lareitha was a city built completely of the rare marble of Edamynera. The stone was translucent, almost milky and glass-like, but very tough and strong and it had minor arcane qualities. Surprisingly, city of Lareiltha was not solely of elven design, but it was a combined effort of dragonborns and humans to build such a marvelous place. There was a minority of elven origin on the island; they were mostly mages and merchants from the great elven city of Lardennes. The name 'Lareiltha' is elvish and means loosely translated 'azure blue shine'. And that the city was, as the buildings were translucent and gleaming in light, often in blue and purple hues, especially at night. It was said to be a sight to behold, something marvelous and magical, a marvel of modern arcane architecture. There were, of course, people who thought it was too much; to build a city befit to the gods for only mortals. It was hubris, all of that, hubris and greed.

But as happened, The Turbulence came and wiped over the whole continent. After the seas calmed enough so people could sail again, there was no sight of the island of Manovia on which the city was situated. Some said it must have sunk in the bottom of the ocean, and the sea had claimed its own. And some, perhaps the same who had murmured about hubris, reminded people that this must have been the gravest punishment for such greed...

When the Turbulence happened.



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