The Human Pantheon
The Gods and Goddesses of the Humans, which is often called The Eight. During the time of crisis and Theomachy, The War of Gods, many new powers have come and went, but these Eight have stayed. As the common saying goes, "The Eight persevere".
Fenrua, the God Of Knowledge. Often takes the role of the Head Deity of the pantheon.
Moriath, The God of Death. His powers have diminished lately.
Myrinna, The Goddess of Life.
Cyrillon, The God of Light.
Denyr, The God of Trickery. His powers have diminished for unknown reasons.
Rafiar Thasnamot, the God of War.
Dineira, The Goddess of Nature.
Trathyses, The Goddess of Tempest and Storms.
Other divine powers and entities have entered the world, but The Eight is considered the core part of the Human pantheon. Some other forces have entered the universe through cracks, some more benevolent than others. The Eight have shared some of their domains with the newcomers, some have been robbed from them and some newcomer entities are considered just new aspects of the Old ones.
Some mentionable entities outside The Eight:
The Laughing Twins, Dual protector of Wit, humor, art, and tricksters.
Hathor, a minor human goddess of life, light, moon, and motherhood.
Some mentionable entities outside The Eight: