BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

phill of loki

     Back Story:  "I have spent most of my life as a servant of the aesir gods. I was quite devout in my service, however, being a half-elf in a temple of elves, i was not warmly received. I was always the studious sort, but my magical skills were quite lacking. This was not for a lack of effort, but I never quite measured up to the caliber of elven magic the others in the temple seemed to wield so effortlessly. With this in mind, I spent a lot of time in the company of the animals surrounding the temple. One day, I was outside of the temple, and I noticed several horses running across the hill. I saw one in particular who was quite different from the others. She was quite beautiful, with a blonde mane and coat. I tried to no avail to approach her, and this continued for months. I suppose she admired my persistence, for after some time she allowed me to approach. She was even more beautiful up close! After my initial approach we became quite familiar. I would spend every spare moment I could walking (and attempting to run) with her. I would bring her treats from the temple; And speak for hours about my struggles with magical ability. One day, she seemed to have quite a different gleam in her eyes as I was talking about a particular bit of magic I just couldn't grasp. Suddenly, through the air as if on a whisper, I heard the words. "I can grant you what you seek." Taken aback, I stepped back, and as if by intuition I Knew she was speaking to me.” is this possible?”…… She replied. “Am I so hard to recognize in this form??”……as it seemed this horse I was speaking to was smiling very was at this moment I noticed her form begin to change, and in the blink of eye I was face to face with none other than the god of mischief, Loki. My face fell, and I stuttered L..LL…..Loki!!!! By the gods it is truly you, but I do not understand why why would you help me? “You see mortal, I have taken a bit of a liking to you. You have shown me a fair amount of kindness. I have seen into your heart and I know that it is strong , though your physical and magical abilities are lacking. And although I cannot change your heart the other things I can assist you with.” My eyes were still fervently affixed to lokis. I replied “ but you are the great trickster how would I know that this isn’t some kind of rouse?……. Loki grinned and replied” I never said it wouldn’t be…….hmmm hmmm hmmmm as he muffled a laugh, I also never said this gift would be unconditional. And his eyes flickered with a mischievous fire. “What would be the conditions of such a gift?” I was honestly hoping he wouldn’t answer me . My body was trembling and my mind racing and I knew no matter what the conditions were I would accept. I had dreamed of being able to catch up to my peers and now I had the opportunity to excel past them. I had no intention of allowing this opportunity pass. “My price is not high………..but it is however not negotiable.” His visage was practically burned into my eyes at this point “I will only ask of you a favor, one favor, not to be named, and not to be denied. There will come a time when I ask you for something, and when I ask this if you you will not deny me, This will be the only condition to the gift I grant you.” His face had almost become a bit somber by this point. “Do you accept?” My mind began spinning out of control and I thought to myself, this cannot be, being gifted the magic of the aesir for a favor this cannot be it must be a trick. However I did not hesitate in my reply, “YES!!!” And I quickly gathered my wits and continued calmly “Yes… lord I accept your offer humbly and shall serve you henceforth. He placed his hand on my forehead and whispered “relax…….this will only hurt for a moment” as I felt a surge of power throughout my body and knowledge of ancient secrets flooding my mind. It was excruciating at first but it began to calm after a moment or so. I fought the urge to scream so as not to draw attention and once I had began to calm down I could feel the power within myself, and I knew things would never be the same again. A moment later Loki spoke “now Parahael you have been endowed with a great power, you may use it as you see fit. And remember, there will come a time I need something from you and on that day you will not fail me.” After he said this he began to fade from my sight and in just a moment he was gone. My mind still reeling from what had just happened, I began to return to the temple. Once I reached what I had called home for some time my mind would not stop. I could think of nothing other than how to attain more power. I could not simply study in this temple and expect to gain anything. I didn’t realize that by the time I had made up my mind to leave the temple it was almost pitch dark. What better time to go, I gathered my things snuck down to the repository, stole a set of leather armor and a few daggers and before I knew it I was on my way to find whatever knowledge and power I could. Far far away from the temple".


phill of loki

Pacted Warrior

Towards Loki of Norus Pantheon


Loki of Norus Pantheon

Pact Holder

Towards phill of loki




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