A1: “The Shrunken Reform” Document in Alterna 1: Legacy of the Shrinking | World Anvil
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A1: “The Shrunken Reform”

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

With the reelection of the Shrunken Department in July 2138, a new addition to the Universal Code of Law, focused on the shrunken population, was soon to be made and integrated.
Over the course of close to simply three quarters of a year, the newly elected Shrunken Department proudly presented in February 2139 the Shrunken Reform to the Political Halls.
Which due to urgently stated matters was put into effect near immediately, after not more than just a single month of consideration by the hall's representatives.

The Shrunken Reform, created by the Shrunken Department, would state as follows:

Shrunken Reform (March 2139)

Section 1: Definition and Classification
1.1. Any citizen measuring below 20 centimeters in height shall henceforth be referred to as a “Shrunken.”
1.2. The term “Shrunken” is utilized for governmental and administrative purposes to better observe and manage the unique needs of this population.

Section 2: Retention of Human Rights
2.1. Shrunken individuals shall retain all human rights afforded to any citizen, with the name change not affecting their legal status as human beings.

Section 3: Legalization of Euthanasia
3.1. Euthanasia for Shrunken individuals is globally legalized due to the acknowledged harsh living conditions they face.
3.2. Shrunken individuals opting for euthanasia may choose to liquidate and invest their assets, ensuring a passive income for a selected relative posthumously. The government shall claim a small percentage of this income for administrative purposes.
3.3. Shrunken individuals retain the right to refuse the government's liquidation deal and may choose alternative methods instead.

At first, the Shrunken Reform was mostly perceived as nothing more than a name change for the shrunken population, effectively not doing anything.
Until some individuals with questionable motives discovered a rather unsettling loophole within section 3. To technically remove any protection granted by base human rights, if they somehow managed to cover it up under a fake guise of consented euthanasia.
Following this discovery, weeks, and even months would pass in which incidents of inhumane acts done to Shrunkens occurred faster than the last case could be closed.
Some of which a normal-sized citizen was deemed guilty to act on their own accord, harming a Shrunken against their will. Whilst others actually had proof of a mutual consent, brought up by a shared fantasy of unethical nature.
Unable to ignore these incidents, the Shrunken Department went to create a new addition to the Shrunken Reform. Focusing not only on protecting their shrunken people, but also on keeping their freedom to indulge in their dark desires if they so choose.

This new section, published in August 2139 would state:

Section 4: Regulation and Licensing
4.1. Effective August 2139, causing harm to a Shrunken individual is illegal unless done under professional supervision for euthanasia purposes.
4.2. Euthanasia not performed by professionals is prohibited, except where a License of Consent is present.
4.3. The License of Consent allows Shrunken individuals to consent to specific activities, including those that may cause harm or death to the individual. This license serves as legal proof of consent for actions that may otherwise be deemed harmful.
4.4. The License of Consent can be obtained by any Shrunken individual and must clearly outline the activities they consent to, ensuring the license holder's autonomy and safety.

Section 5: Adjustments and Monitoring
5.1. The Shrunken Department, responsible for the oversight of Shrunken affairs, shall monitor the implementation of the Shrunken Reform and propose necessary adjustments.
5.2. Regular reviews and updates to the reform shall be conducted to address emerging issues and ensure the protection and rights of Shrunken individuals.

Furthermore, the original Reform also added to already existing sections of the Universal Code of Law, including related articles to both the Human and Civil Rights Sections:

Human Rights Section

Article 15: Special Populations
Clause 15.1: The term “Shrunken” is introduced for individuals below 20 centimeters, retaining full human rights (See Shrunken Reform, Section 1 and 2).

Civil Rights Section

Article 16: Euthanasia
Clause 16.2.1: Euthanasia for Shrunken individuals is legalized under specified conditions, including asset liquidation options (See Shrunken Reform, Section 3).
Article 17: Consent
Clause 17.4.1: The License of Consent regulates consensual activities involving Shrunken individuals, ensuring legal protection (See Shrunken Reform, Section 4).
Text, Legislative


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