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A I: Elves

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

The Origin Race of Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise


As one of Narcana's 5 Origin Races, as well as the race who created the flying island known as the Lands of Paradise, Elves trace back to the very origin of sentient life itself.
With some even believing they are the physical descendants of the Spirits themselves, due to their close connection to them, and unmatched talent to channel their arcanic energy.

Current Habitat:

On the Lands, the Elves mostly reside in their own little village at the very tops center. But in some cases also share a settlement with the Lands' Humans. Or live together with them in their town, which stands at the intersection of the Spirits' 5 biomes.

Average Size / Height:

Much like Humans and Wingless, Elves average a height of around 1.6 to 1.8 meters tall.


Preferring to dine on fruits and vegetables, occasionally, Elves also do consume the meat of hunted creatures they had to slay. But generally try to stick to a more vegetarian diet. As their close connection to the Spirits also gives them a high affinity for the desire to preserve life.

Physical Appearance:

Like nearly any other sentient race of Narcana, the bodies of Elves are based on a bipedal structure.
With a torso holding most of their bodies vital organs, two legs that are slightly longer than their two arms, and a single head, housing a well-developed brain.
All in all, one could say that Elves share an almost identical physique to the race of humans. With the only notable differences being their elongated and pointy ears, which during the Throne War of Origin Race served as highly effective sensors, able to clearly receive distant sounds. To avoid being ambushed by stealth relying enemies.
Another thing that's unique to the physique of Elves, separating them from other sentient races, is their rather fast yet energy-efficient metabolism. Which doesn't require a higher than average food intake, whilst also making gaining weight highly unlikely, resulting in Elves having a mostly slender figure.

Behavior and Social Structure:

During most of Narcana's Throne War of Origin Race, Elves have lived on their own in secluded villages, hidden deep within the dense forests of Narcana. As due to their close conection to the Spirits, and naturally high affinity to preserve life, they detest nothing more than the senseless bloodshed of war, and wanted to hide from it in their seclusion.
Although, whilst they lived mostly save in their dense sanctuary of dark green, other sentient races and primal creatures had to lose their lives, to quench the endless thirst for power of the other 4 Origin Races.
Which is why in the last centuries of the Throne War of Origin Race, the Elves have formed an alliance with the mortal yet uniquely skilled race of Humankind, to erect an impenetrable fortress out in the vast open plains of Narcana's Evergreen Veldt. And taunt their bloodthirsty enemies into attacking an unyielding bastion. To end the war, and claim the world throne of Narcana through indomitable defense alone.
Over some time, this testament of unbreakable defense then became the new elven capital of Narcana.
A marvelous spire city, called Sovera, in which both Elves and Humans have lived together in peace for centuries.
Before a gruesome betrayal from their former allies and friends forced them to flee their home world, and with a world altering ritual known as the Rupture, create the Lands of Paradise.
Where they now live mostly in a secluded lifestyle again, up in their own village at the tops center of the Lands, away from the buzzing Human Town. To which they ever since the day of the Rupture hold a scarred relationship, even though those living on the Lands have no connections to the members of the Old Faith, who have driven them off Narcana.

Role in the Food Chain:

While having to confront an enemy, whether it be another sentient race or a primal creature, who also uses Channeling as their main form of attack, Elves will most likely always reign supreme over them. As due to their close connection to the Spirits, as well as unmatched potential for the art of Channeling, Elves only require a fraction of the time to master the advanced level, compared to every other race.
If fighting against physical-based attackers, counting on range or close combat, Elves also hold quite the astounding advantage over them. As long as they keep the melee fighters at bay, or channel their manifestations before an archer can line up their shot.
When forced to engage in a physical fight though, without the chance to utilize their superior talent of Channeling, Elves will stand at a major disadvantage. Since all of their physical traits, such as agility and endurance, are at an average level at best, and highly outclassed by any wind blessed or brute-forced beings.
However, with the combined knowledge of the human and elven race, to craft weapons and armor imbued with arcanic energy, some Elves, mostly the royal Valkyries, are able to stand a more than fair chance against otherwise imposing threats, and defeat them.

Special Abilities and unique Physical Traits:

Based on their age, and especially their familiarity with channeling arcanic energies, Elves are known for the unique trait of growing a mixture of organic and arcane wings from their backs. Which, unlike with other winged beings, are not meant to enable them to fly, but more as an expandable catalyst for the arcane breath to be channeled through. Whilst also aiding in cooling down their heated up blood.
However, if balanced out right, these wings can also offer the ability of flight, although not as effective in speed, endurance, or maneuverability as true airborne creatures.
Furthermore, elven wings are also not a permanent part of their bodies, and only expand from their backs as they take in more arcane energy than their true physical forms can handle on their own, before retracting again once the Channeling is done.
And even though this addition to their bodies is half arcanic, they still need a reasonable time to be able to grow naturally and develop, just like a fully physical body part would.
But when faced with a situation of a sudden unmanageable arcanic intake, they can also explosively burst out as a defensive measure, to try and protect their body from combusting in an ethereal flame.
Although, most Elves who had to experience such an unsightly fate do not survive. And those who do are left with a deep scarring trauma, as well as a fully physical and unretractable pair of wings, unable to develop any further.
Another unique trait of the elven race is the inability of their bodies to age further, after reaching the human equivalent of 30 to 40 years.
Which gives them the title of an immortal race. Since not even after millennia, Elves will bow down to time itself.

Additional Insights:

Even though Elves are well known for their unmatched talent to channel the arcane breath of the Spirits, in theory, they are still outmatched by the Divine Races, such as the Ancient Dragons.
Whilst Elves are able to fully master the advanced level of Channeling at the earliest of just 4 months of training, for which other sentient races would need over a decade on average, Ancient Dragons are capable of it the moment they hatch.
And whilst the exalted level requires over a century of hard training for even the most talented of elven Channelers, an Ancient Dragon will have it mastered not long after adulthood.
However, ironically, not even those majestic representatives of the Divine Race have ever been able to channel a divine level manifestation, and survive.
Other than the Elven Queen and her brother themselves, who are the living proof of the sheer limitless potential the elven race holds, in regards to channeling the Spirits' arcane breath and essence.
Which is also why, back on Narcana, Elves were for the longest time worshiped as a race of demigods among mortals, until the corruption of the Old Faith by an ancient, long forgotten tome.
Genetic Descendants


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