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A I: Humans

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

A widespread sentient Race of Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise


As to the true origins of Humans, it is said that they are highly evolved descendants of narcanian primates. With some even believing that their evolution was not set in motion through the Spirits, but their fallen counterparts, resulting in the often hidden development of greed, arrogance, selfishness, and other negative personal traits.
Now on the Lands, their origin can be said to be coming from the 42-man caravan, that was traveling through Narcana's Evergreen Veldt, on the day the Rupture took place. Where they got entangled in the Elves' cataclysmic ritual, and found themselves stranded on this newly formed land.

Current Habitat:

On the Lands, most Humans reside in the large capital Human Town at the intersection of the Spirits' 5 biomes. Or live sprinkled across the Lands, in either small camps, huts, or settlements.

Average Size / Height:

Much like Elves and Wingless, Humans average a height of around 1.6 to 1.8 meters tall.


Similar to most sentient races of Narcana, Humans also count as omnivores who dine on both meat and plant-based foods.
But unlike many of the other sentient races, Humans are more known for cultivating instead of hunting or gathering most of their food.
With large fields to grow plentiful crops, or farms for raising various kinds of cattle.
However, that does not mean they don't hunt or gather on some occasions as well. As those who have chosen to live on their own, secluded from their larger communities, often don't have the necessary resources to purely live on cultivation alone.
Or with hunters who make a living by slaying and selling dangerous creatures, that cannot be contained on a farm, to their lesser skilled peers.

Physical Appearance:

Like nearly any other sentient race of Narcana, the bodies of Humans are based on a bipedal structure. With a torso holding most of their bodies vital organs, two legs that are slightly longer than their two arms, and a single head, housing a well-developed brain.
Based on their chosen lifestyle, and inhabiting biome, Humans also often vary in their physical statue or skin tone, making their race one of the most diverse on Narcana and the Lands.

Behavior and Social Structure:

From the time of their primal ancestors to their now more sophisticated forms, Humans have always lived in small to large communities with a well-defined hierarchy.
Starting with small groups, packs, or tribes being led by one alpha, to entire countries being ruled over by a single king or royal family.
And even though on both Narcana and the Lands, the elven crown reigned supreme over all others, Humans could not be prevented from crowning their own ruler as well.
Who in the end still has to bow down to the superior elven race, but is leading their kind as if it were them who were in control.
Besides the royalty sitting at the top, human communities also consist of a varied sized military, to protect their people or carry out the will of their king, workers who provide weapons, tools, and other valuable resources, and regular citizens, simply populating the towns.
Furthermore, some Humans also tend to strife for a life of independence from the royal crown, and traverse the Lands on their own free will.
They are mostly referred to as mercenaries and adventurers, who gather valuable information and seek out quests in the towns and settlements they pass through. Before embarking on a new journey, either alone or with a small group.

Role in the Food Chain:

Known for their strong willpower and determination, but lack of potency in the Channeling of arcanic energies, Humans tend to mostly rely on brute strength, endurance, and craftsmanship when facing an enemy.
As human warriors often dedicate their entire lives to steeling their bodies and mastering their weapons.
Whilst artisans such as carpenters, leather workers, or blacksmiths, slave away tirelessly at their dedicated workstations, to provide both offensive and defensive crafts to aid their fellow man in battle.
Now despite Humans not ranking high with their ability of Channeling, some human adventurers do prefer to train their body and mind in order to utilize this ancient art, rather than to rely on the strength of forged steel.
Whilst others even opt to combine multiple fighting styles into one, making humans one of the most diverse races when it comes to armed or even unarmed combat.

Special Abilities and unique Physical Traits:

The greatest strength of the human race comes from their adaptability and versatility, as well as rapid learning and resilience.
As, regardless of what biome or situation they are thrown into, Humans are almost always able to quickly adapt to their surroundings and thrive.
With a prime example being the population and adaptation to every biome of the Lands.
They also show great curiosity for the unknown and a thirst for knowledge and power, letting them not shy away easily when it comes to using ancient or mystical artifacts and weapons.
As long as it could lead to their goals being achieved.

Additional Insights:

Back on Narcana, Humans were also known for their widespread religion of the Old Faith, in which they worshiped the Spirits as the one true gods and creators of all life, as well as viewed the Elves as the physical descendants of the Spirits, seeing them as a race of demigods among mortals.
In the 53rd year before the Rupture though, a faithful follower discovered an ancient tome, everyone had thought was long-lost to the flames.
A tome which thoroughly changed the way Humans viewed both the Spirits and Elves, turning them from believed demigods into nothing more than sacrificial vessels, to try to revive a deity of long forgotten times.
This maniacal genocide of the elven race, almost leading to their extinction, utterly tore their long-lasting alliance and friendship apart. And not only forced the Elves to flee Sovera, but the whole of Narcana itself, by creating the Lands of Paradise in a cataclysmic ritual of unimaginable force.
Now, since the original 42 Humans of the caravan, stranded on the Lands, never seemed to be connected in any way to the Old Faith, their existence on the Lands was mostly tolerated.
In an attempt of the elven queen to maybe heal their tragically scarred friendship.
However, given the already experienced horrors of how human believes can escalate, turning the closest allies into the most dangerous foes, any form of human religion on the Lands is strictly prohibited.
And those who show signs of religious beliefs are hunted down mercilessly, not only by Elves, but by hired human mercenaries as well.
Genetic Descendants


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