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A I: Lyric The Lustrous Lutenist

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

Lyric The Lustrous Lutenist
The lute's Prodigy of Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise

Race / Species: Human
Age of Origin: 19
Birth Month: He was born in the Lands' 129th year, in the month of Growth
Settlement / Habitat: Whilst he has his own small mansion in the Town's Royal District, gifted to him by his father, he prefers to rotate through the Town's taverns or travel the Lands to spread his music
Height: 1,79 meters
Fate: Undecided


Hair / Fur / Scales: dark brown hair, medium, bound to a small ponytail
Eyes: deep brown
Other features: light skin, slightly defined pecs, always wears an old necklace and a belt with a dagger frog, prefers simple and ordinary clothes


  • humble
  • charming
  • outstandingly passionate about his music
  • generous in offering help to others

  • Special Abilities and Channeling Capacity:

    Channeling Capacity: average
  • a divine and unmatched talent in playing the lute
  • able to soothe some wild beasts or even charm creatures like Wartorcs or Implins with his music

  • Relationships:

    close Family: only child of Cedric and Isadora Trevelyan, who are known and wealthy adventurers and merchants of the Desert District
    close Friends: as a well-known and talented bard, who performs for only a bit of free food and a bed to stay the night, Lyric is quite close to almost every tavern owner of the Human Town, except for the ones in the Swamp District
    Lyric also grew quite fond of the Barrow family out in the Evergreen Veldt and occasionally helps out on their farm
    apart from that, he also befriended countless other people from various settlements of the Lands with his friendly and charming character
    Love Interest: a bit envious of the simple life of an Evergreen Veldt farmer, Lyric fell in love with the young and charming Ida Barrow and her laid-back life out in the plains
    Rivals / Enemies: Lyric is in a feud with the mercenary group, Golden Mirage, of the Desert District, as whenever he visits the Bone Ale Inn, he eventually gets approached and mocked by one of their members for his “unmanly” profession, before they relieve him of his carried coins

    Additional Insights:

    Coming from a wealthy family of widely renown adventuring merchants, Lyric was taught both the art of fighting and haggling from a young age.
    Whilst his earliest childhood was mainly filled with lots of playful wrangling with his father, his true combat training started not long after he turned 6, where Lyric received his first-ever weapon as a present.
    A small dagger, enchanted with an expensive Arcanic Core able to channel a weakened version of the manifestation Brittle. So that he could now accompany his father on some lower-class quests and slay his first real beasts.
    Now while the quests they went on together didn't really had a huge payout or challenging encounters, like the ones his parents usually went on, it was fair to say that both Lyric and his father still had a rather good time.
    With most of the quests revolving around slaying some weak creatures, like Scavenners infesting a settler's cellar, or hunting Sea Imps pestering local fishermen near the coast, it was mostly Lyric who had to deal with the fighting.
    Whilst his father sneakily weakened one or two of the creatures to make it both easier and safer for his son.
    His training, however, wouldn't have ended there, as after a quest well done, and pockets full of some change, their next stop was then one of the local taverns. Where Lyric and his father frequently challenged each other as to who can haggle a better price for a full meal and stay.
    Now while going on quests with his father was without a doubt one of Lyric's most treasured childhood memories, there was always something else in the taverns which caught his eye.
    Something, which would set the course of his life indefinitely.
    As within these wooden walls, echoing with the good moods of various patrons, there was always one who seemed to be kindling the fires of joy, and setting the mood for a party deep into the night.
    It was either a man or a woman, dancing around the tables, playing pleasurable music whilst singing to their heartfelt songs.
    For some years, Lyric mostly just enjoyed the spectacle of their performances after a quest with his father. Before at the age of 12, he decided to go to the market of the Desert District on his own, and browse their wares for one specific item. To pursue his new-found dream.
    With his enchanted dagger now just resting and adorning his belt, and a slightly worn down lute in his hands, Lyric returned home to confess to his parents that his way in life won't be that of an adventurer, but a bard who sings about their tales.
    A bit confused at first, Lyric's father simply just laughed it off and thought of it as just an impulsive desire, maybe brought up by the female attention all the male bards received in the taverns. Whilst his mother clearly understood his true intentions.
    For 2 more years, Lyric then continued to adventure with his father to save up some coins, whilst also practicing his skills with the Lute every night, before at the young age of 14, he was set on turning his dream into reality. And declared to his parents that from now on, he will be traveling the Lands on his own. Going from tavern to tavern, and spread the joy of music, which he felt every night during his time as a young adventurer.
    Shocked by this decision, Lyric's father was speechless for a moment, before fumbling for words in an attempt to somehow convince him to stay and become and adventurer. Whilst his mother remained calm, knowing that this day was to come sooner rather than later, and just handed him an old-looking necklace as a parting gift, to bless the path which lies ahead of him.
    Thankful for everything his parents had done for him, Lyric then left the comfort of his home, to embark on a journey of his own and become a widely renown bard.
    As the years went on, Lyric's skills with the lute steadily increased, which combined with his outstanding passion for the art of music, soon granted him a reputation as one of the most talented bards the Lands have ever seen.
    And even though his father desperately tried to convince him time and time again to come back and join him on quests again, even buying him his own mansion in the Royal District to brag about the large income of a renown adventurer, Lyric stayed true to his dream.
    And simply continued to travel the Lands and spread the joy of music.
    *Age of Origin refers to the Character's age when they first appeared or will appear in a story, and what age they are in their profile image.

    **Fate refers to if the Character already has a predetermined destiny.
    With Undecided meaning that It's still open what will happen to them, whilst Written in Stone means certain outcomes, like death for example, are already decided on.
    If the story telling about their significant fate gets published, Written in Stone will be changed to a more detailed description of their experienced fate.


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