Fate Whisperer | Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise Discussion Boards | World Anvil
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Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise Discussion Boards

Fate Whisperer

Thu, Apr 18th 2024 06:06
Want to decide the fates of Alterna I's souls with your own short stories?
Simply create a thread describing your story idea, which character(s) of Alterna I are supposed to appear in it, what year / time it's supposed to happen, where it will happen, and of course what the main plot will be.
Alternatively, you can also choose to write a story entirely on your own and post it here, or with proper credit to the Mindrealm on your own page, for other adventurers of Alterna I to read and enjoy.
But bear in mind, only stories or story ideas that fit within the lore of Alterna I, and have been accepted by Neon, will be eligible to turn into lore defining stories, and form the fates of the souls inhabiting Alterna I.
Every other story will simply be considered fan fiction, and will not have any significant effect on the lore of the characters mentioned in it.
Furthermore, stories or story ideas containing one or more characters whose fate is “Written in Stone” will only be eligible to be accepted if these characters do not suffer any substantial damage, or interfere with the fate already set for them, within the proposed story.
Stories that have been accepted by both Neon and its original creator, to be turned into an actual lore affecting story, will also not be able to be entirely removed from the Mindrealm afterwards.
Subtle changes may be applied to ensure a better immersion or flow, but the story itself will remain a permanent addition to Alterna I, once being accepted and fully integrated into its lore.
As the original creator, you may also decide how you will be credited in the header section of the short story, once it has been accepted to be fully integrated into the Mindrealm.