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Sub race of Goblin, do not have city states of their own typically live in goblin or Hobgoblin states or wander in nomadic tribes. As much as they are top level predators that will prey on weaker villages as they travel following herds of wild beasts, they are also just as likely to trade if it seems easier.  

Basic Information


Large Humanoid mammals with thick fur, long arms, goblinoid ears. Their musculature and bones are optimized for quick bursts of actions and their metabolism is very high. Because of this they are usually sleepy and hungry. When active they are agile, alert and focused. They have sharp teeth and an canines.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bugbears share the goblinoid genetic traits for reproduction, and are compatible with hobgoblins and goblins. In any liter there is a chance of either species appearing. This also means they are incapable of breeding with any other species. Bugbears will usually have 2 or 3 in a litter, but 2/3rds will be another goblinoid, or all other goblinoids.

Growth Rate & Stages

Bugbears are easily spotted at birth, covered in hair. They are able to walk at 3 months, and are able to talk around age 2. Bugbears become mature at age 16. Their lifespan is usually about 80 years, though few live that long.

Ecology and Habitats

Bugbears are highly adaptable and can live in any climate. However they prefer forests, jungles, swamps, marshes, where they can use stealth while hunting. Though they can easily tolerate colder climes, they will migrate to where it takes less work to live.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bugbears are primarily carnivores, and prefer meat. they can and do eat legumes, fruit, and seeds, but don't like or react well to grains. Bugbears can eat raw meat, but they prefer cooked food.

Biological Cycle

Bugbears are nocturnal, and prefer to be active from dusk to dawn, then sleep during the day. Most Bugbears are in their prime between the age of 17 and 28, though depending on their diet, activity and staying out of danger they can be in good health for several decades.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Bugbears live in large family groups, usually around a group of elders, parents. These elders lead the family structure until they die of old age or combat. The elders take what they want from their children, the elders have a favorite son/ daughter who they let enforce their plans, and lead the day to day operations of the family. When fortunes of the family diminish they may banish unpopular or rivals from the group.

Facial characteristics

They have flat noses, and large mouths. They have a thick brow line and a sloped head. Their ears are large and pointed, with thick ear hair. Their eyes are usually yellow to gold, and will reflect light at night.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are found all over Alterra, and most are nomadic. They prefer warmer locations, but can tolerate the cold and heat. They are common across Gorgandra, Mende Minor, but rare in the Uthgart vastness, New Lemuria, and Ayorhah. They have been encountered in Eridani and South Eridani.

Average Intelligence

Bugbears are on par with human intelligence, but the areas of the brain that regulate personality, long term planning, and self control are wired up differently, and this leads to their infamous lethargy and barbarity. They have complex imaginations and ability to solve problems, however they are not patient. If they desire something they have a hard time suppressing the impulse to go get it over making a plan.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their sense of smell is heightened above human ranges, and but their sense of sight is average, though they have dark vision and can see in very low light. Their sense of taste is less precise. Their range of hearing is the same a humans.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Bugbears use Goblinoid names.

Major Organizations

Gabranzanuk is a clan of families that have stronger than usual alliances and rove Mende Minor looting and engaging in banditry. They are hit and run raiders and avoid any major force, and don't occupy any area for long. They form up and split up as the targets require and there is little infighting. They also have associations with other species to fence their stolen goods. This clan has been operating for over 40 years, so it's organization is multi-generational which is also unusual for bugbears.

Beauty Ideals

Bugbears prefer other bugbears, and generally dislike the forms of all other creatures. They are not inclined to be artists on anything other crafts, tools, and weapons. They rarely steal or keep artistic items unless they know what it is worth or have been ordered to take it.

Gender Ideals

Males and females are equal participants in bugbear life; they hunt, they fight, they will force weaker beings to work for them or steal from them. They can be leaders. Females gestate a bugbear in 6 months and when they are born they are small, but grow quickly.

Courtship Ideals

Bugbears bribe each other to mate with food, gifts, or acts of violence against rivals. This shows their strength and cunning.

Relationship Ideals

Bugbears bond for life, and share burdens and work raising and protecting young. Females usually stop breeding at age 30, and a pair will remain together wrangling and commanding their children. Bugbears don't have much and they hold on to each other. If one is banished from the group, a mated pair will leave with each other and their young.

Average Technological Level

Bugbears are strangers to technology and magic. They will use magic items and cyphers, but have no idea how either work. Those left to their own devices in the wilderness far from civilization tend to have a neolithic level of technology. They wear hides, use stone tools and weapons, and are very superstitious.   Those that live near civilizations are very adept at learning to use advanced tools and weapons from watching others use them. If they can overpower a settlement and take control of it they will force the occupants into working for them, and over time learn how their items work, but won't be able to create it.   The few that live in cities can be educated, but they resist daily rigor, work, and obligations.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Bugbear's speak goblinoid. Bugbear goblinoid is heavily accented based on the region. Bugbears will learn the language of the beings around their region so they can trade or intimidate them.

Common Etiquette Rules

Elders are always right, never challenge them. If you want something steal it, but don't get caught.

Common Dress Code

Most bugbears wear hides and skins, and may fashion better garments if they know how. Mostly they will acquire armor and clothing from communities around them.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Bugbears are part of the larger goblin culture, their songs are their songs, their dances are their dances. Their main point of view is one of being burdened with someone else's work because they are stronger and faster.


Bugbear history has not be written down or recorded but have relied on stories and tales to transmit important lessons. The tales are one of escaping labor or combat at the behest of hobgoblins, times and places they found easy targets and lush lands to live in with pliant other creatures to do their bidding.   Hobgoblins have fairly extensive reports on the history of bugbears and how hard it is to get them to be useful beyond combat and forced labor. They note that in the ancient times they were exclusively combat troops but had have extensive support to keep them disciplined and focused. As command and control systems became less common it was eventually easier to let them congregate outside the citadels and then round them up when needed. Because of their sloth they are a burden on the legion's resources, and not reliable for other labor.   Over the thousands of years Bugbears continue to be spawned in goblin and hobgoblin cities, some reside there, most form family units or gangs and wander out. spreading out over the connected continents they are possible to be found in small numbers everywhere.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Goblins - Goblin offspring are put to work as soon as possible and are kept as slaves, even though they are their children. When they encounter Hobgoblins or goblins they will trade them for bugbears or supplies or weapons. Goblins are too mischievous and malicious to hang around for long if the bug bears aren't in charge, and they'll eventually want them to help raid or attack something.   Hobgoblins - Bugbears try to keep their distance, as hobgoblins will try to force them into conscription and put them to real work and they won't spare the lash. If they have hobgoblin children they will train them to fight and make them in charge of any goblins. If they encounter other hobgoblins they will trade any hobgoblin children to avoid being conscripted.   Humans, elves, and dwarves, halflings, gnomes - these creatures are dangerous when faced in the open, avoid them except when you have something to trade, or you can steal from them and escape.   Orcs - avoid at all costs unless you can trade something or they pay you to fight.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80 years
Average Height
6'-8" to 8'-0" tall
Average Weight
240 to 340 lb. Even overweight specimens look thin because of their muscle build.
Average Physique
They have ectomorphic and dense musculature, their fat deposits are spread around, and quickly depleted by their metabolism. They have thick hair and fur over most of their body, their facial hair is thick, except for the face. Their hands and feet are also fur covered.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A Bugbear coat can be yellow to dark brown, some with spots or stripes, most have darker head/ main hair.


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