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Prefer to mine and tunnel complexes in hills. Spread wide around the world. Have many city states that are all Dwarven and resist outside influences. However not uncommon to have clans that have settled in other city states.  

Basic Information


Humanoids with broad features. Primary differences from humans are is their shorter stature, larger ears, some of which may have a point.

Biological Traits

Dwarves look human but their frame is broad and stout. Their muscle and bone is stronger and more efficient because their home world, The Anvil of Bor, is a high gravity terrestrial world. Dwarves have two livers, an organ called the thradic bladder that helps neutralize some toxins, and a larger spleen. These anatomical differences is what gives them their famous resistance to poison. They are not immune by any means but it takes a dose that would kill 10 humans to have the same result on a dwarf.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves are humanoid mammals that reproduce via live birth. Gestation is typically 12 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves mature in spurts. From birth to age 3 they grow very quickly and can be up to 3'-6", from 3 to 15 they remain about the same height but may increase in weight from 30 lb to 120 lb. from 15 to 18 they reach their adult height of 4' to 5' tall. They enter puberty at age 18 and are fully adult at age 25. Male's beards begin to come in around age 20 and will begin to grow rapidly at age 25. Dwarves have lifespans of 250 years, and are considered geriatric at age 200. Some individuals have lived to 300 years old. Adult weight is normally 150 to 250 lb.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves are adaptable, and can be found all over Alterra, but they prefer temperate climates and underground habitation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves are omnivores and eat a variety of food, some of which are not edible by other humanoids and this is due to their extra liver and organs that make them resistant to toxins and poisons.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dwarves are family based and live in larger extended family units across generations. Their next order is the clan which is a political grouping of families.

Facial characteristics

Females have thick dense hair on their heads, some have beards, but it's uncommon. Males have thick dense hair on their heads and chins. They take great care grooming them. facial features are also broad and thick, brows and noses are commonly flat and wide. hair can be many different textures and shapes, from straight, curly, or kinked.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Uthash peoples are the largest ethnic group comprised of majority dwarves, located on the west coast and mountains the Ungart Vastness. However they are found throughout Alterra in all climes, but mostly where there are highlands, mountains, or hills.

Average Intelligence

Dwarves have the same cognition and intelligence as humans. Some of their brain structures are wired up a little different in the memory around personal relationships. This tends to make their memories stick about friends, family, and enemies which is why it's hard for dwarves to let go of grudges.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves can see in dim light like day light and poses otherwise normal human ranges of other senses.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Their tradition is that when they are born they are given a name by the clan leadership, or reuse a name associated with the clan. If they dishonor their clan they can take that name away as a punishment, and they are often given a number as a substitute until they have made restitution or done something worth of getting it back. those that go into exile or banishment will take another non-dwarven or that of a tool or other object.

Beauty Ideals

Dwarves, both male and female love beards and will find creatures with beards more attractive and appealing than those with bare chins. Geometric and heavy designs are pleasing over more fine and sinuous curves.

Gender Ideals

Men are hearty, strong, industrious, brave and loud. Beards are a must for dwarf to be a man. Fake beards are not unheard of, weaves and extensions to make a beard look fuller thicker. Women are full, strong, daring, serious, steady. Both men and women should be handy with a weapon, tools, able to cook, and ready to take action over waiting for consensus.   These outlooks are tempered by the cultures they grew up in, and may have different features.

Average Technological Level

Dwarves are focused on mining, forging and stone carving as deeply held cultural traditions no matter where they are from. they easily adapt to new technology, but may find finer devices and mechanisms less attractive because of their thicker features.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Dwarven is the main language associated with these people, however if they have an origin outside of Uthash culture they may not speak it as a first language.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

All dwarves are decended of the great space empires of the dwarves and their tails of heroes who stripped worlds of materials to build colossal structures. This idea of taking the world and its resources and shaping it into incredible new things and structures is a strong value across the cultures they are a part of.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Clan naming usually happens in a ceremony when the child is 10 to 15 days old, and a large party is held.

Common Taboos

Never pull a dwarf's beard, never joke about cutting it off. Actually cutting it off is akin to neutering them.


From the planet The Anvil of Bor, dwarves had a large empire under the Star Walker Hegemony and were famed for their ability mine planets, moons, and build huge orbital structures.   On Alterra they are known as loyal hearty folk that are somewhat self centered on their own business and mines. The population center is on the west coast of the Ungart Vastness. They however are a numerous people found throughout the world.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dwarves want to get along with other beings, but if those beings have been difficult, dangerous or disruptive of their business they will form a hardened prejudiced attitude toward them. Because they are wide spread their attitudes mimic their cultural surroundings.   Dwarves and gnomes are often co-inhabitants of underground complexes and have similar interests.


Anvil of Bor
250 years
Average Height
4'-0" to 5'-0"
Average Weight
150lb to 250 lb
Average Physique
Dwarves look rotund and fat, but they are actually very strong. Their short stature and broad features belie a muscularity and dexterity. In proportion they can be as athletic and acrobatic with training as any human.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
dwarves pigmentation ranges across the population and is not directly hereditary, so their skin color can vary within the same family. On average is ranges from deep brown tan to light tan. Their skin wrinkles as they age and their head hair recedes as they age as well. Baldness is rare. their body hair is non existant elsewhere they have no hair on any other part of their body.


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