Arolend Culture Ethnicity in Alterra | World Anvil
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Arolend Culture

Rooted in elvish love of art, beauty and magic. Most cities have an elvish as a common tongue, writing and even cities that are not majority elvish may copy their architecture and styles. These cities are very compact, centralized and walled. Entry is often not obvious. Once inside though they blend ecology and architecture together to have very naturalistic way, and the line between inside and outside is blended. Elves innate magic is sorcery driven, and only the influence of Atlantean magic brought wizardry. Most cities are monarchies with lesser nobles and aristocrats running the day-to-day operations.   Each Elven city is ruled by a king, title being passed to a designated male heir, and when none is available the eldest daughter. Elf royalty is supposedly descended from the kings of whole worlds under the hegemony of the Star Walkers. This royalty made it to the arc ship with their households and servants, and whatever other survivors that could make it. These kings in refuge made an alliance on board the ship to always have each others backs no matter what comes. Since elves are long lived these same elvish kings survived the crash and immediately sprung into action and had their minions take control of the flying machines and ground vehicles they could and they immediately headed west out of the desert. meanwhile everyone else was still trying to get organized and recovering from the crash. Many thousands decided to follow behind them.   The alliance of kings had already divided the west among themselves, and They established their capitals. The thousands that followed on foot eventually found other places to settle. over time these settlers were (either by treaty or force), in fiefdoms under the rule of the elves. As the dominant culture their influence held sway and soon the Elvan language became the common tongue of the Arolend sea coast.
Alterra North Arolendia Region
Map of the city states of Origin Island
Over time the cities of the elves became polyglots, with many races living there, however the elf majority out lives all of the other races, which leads to some inequalities and imbalances. All property is in elf hands, even if it sold to another member of another race, it will in time end up back in elf hands, usually the same one who sold it. Communities with strong social ties may last a few generations, but will eventually splinter for one reason or another while elvan nobles know they will outlast any solidarity. Very often they will be accommodating to a group that want's some level of autonomy, knowing in a few generations they can reassert themselves politically or financially over them, biding their time. There have been roughly 428 human generations to 28 elvan ones since the crash, the elves know that carefully granting the wishes of one generation can be undone in 80 to 120 years later.   Half-Elves hold an unusual post in Arolend culture. For thousands of years this mixed race has been the bridge between both elvan and more mortal cultures. Elves are unchanging to most eyes and you can live 100 years and the same nobles are in charge. Half elves have been traditionally appointed by kings to be the liaisons and diplomats, arbitrators and judges in conflicts. Their perspective of both growing up with humans who age quickly and are impatient for change, and the steady long view of the elves they can often find a path neither saw.   One of the ways to placate these non-elves is to grant them rights to found a colony, or title to lands currently unoccupied. Arolend cities have many such colonies on the neighboring islands to the northwest. These sometimes go decades without oversight from their kings, but they may still have a quota of raw materials or crops to send back home. typically they will grant a barony or county title to a family who can then represent the king in this new colony. It is a good way to buy off agitators and send off their followers. Any real independence can be dealt with after their children have died of old age.   Elves have always had a number of natural sorcerers in their ranks, but only after planet fall did they begin to put resources into studying their abilities. As technology began to fail and the ability to produce new technology faded more and more elves began to harness their innate magic. The study of sorcery was the first study of magic on Alterra. Because sorcery is unique to each individual the study of this magic is more broad and general and based on finding that power within. No one can be trained to be a sorcerer, but a natural sorcerer can be trained. Sorcery in non elves is normal, and these individuals have more rapport with elvan aristocracy, and will be admitted to be trained along with elves. In those formative centuries after much of the technology began to fail the Arolend kings could maintain their power against other powers and nature because of their cadre of sorcerers.   Because the elves made off with a lot of technology and their long lives their understanding of cyphers and relics is overall better than others. There are many elvish written records of the different types and kinds of cyphers, dangers and warnings about them. Numeriamancers of Arolend are highly regarded for their knowledge. Many kings will pay a hefty price for a relic in good condition, and many expeditions to the crash site have formed in these cities. Few return.   Biophylic architecture is a specialty of the Arolend culture. Elvan architects and botanists will spend decades growing trees and other plants into buildings. some of these buildings are a thousand years old and been home to a few generations of elves. non-elvan buildings using common building techniques also incorporate plants and living roofs into the design of the building, or are built around trees.   Arolend kings and princes will also grant lands that are outside their realm of control too, and new cities have been founded in areas considered to belong to Soki cities. some of these have been traded back and forth over the centuries. Both cultures are adapted to fighting in jungles and forests so often these conflicts can be long drawn out guerilla wars with no clear victors. Arolend kings usually have standing armies of knights and footmen, but few have substantial navies. Githyanki raiders will target cities, colonies and settlements along the coast. The major cities have fortifications and cannons, but areas outside of cannon range they will pillage. Most kings can rally forces to push them out, and they may bring in allies as well. The ancient alliance of the kings still stands, and no prince will make war on another Arolend king. However assassination and sabotage is not unknown.   Arolendians in the sub-tropical and temperate regions wear Elvin fashions with natural designs and fluid styling. tools, furniture, and even weapons are the languid high precision Elvin design with decoration and detailing. Men and women wear their hair long and put it up in complicated braids and knots. Everyone knows the Elf stories and myths, songs and participate in their festivals. Non-elves less publicly keep their own tales, music and crafts. Some cities will hold non Elvin festivals, but most are local celebrations.   Arolend cities are tolerant of individual quirks in non-elves, and many outcasts from Soki or Ayorhah may find a place in these realms. Atlanteans and Arolenders have a long standing rivalry. Both rely on magic aptitude and both consider themselves the right direction for a civilization. Arolendians see Atlanteans as rash, expansionist and ambitious. Atlanteans see Arolendians as static and stale. Neither tend to see much migration, both because of distance and disinterest.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Nellenwe Indith Ealalwel Enwel Nellaser Nerwingilm Inyel Altalas Finde Findiser

Masculine names

Elellad Restanel Ingon Golinerdh Eneth Finerdhor Elellan Aramdir Glemmire Throsaere

Unisex names

Celemmabl Egolwel Ophil Elelung Ildolor Indomior Aloth Nimrode Serie Imis Findalye

Family names

Oniorias Forladhell Dorwine Sirestir Donegras Forliene Ningonde Karnione Ladhellor Erellon

Other names

Medusal - bastard last name, elvish Leaf - bastard last name, human, half-elf Dos/ Dosa - familiar name for a non-elf who you've come to trust. Humans may use it sarcastically around each other


Major language groups and dialects

Elvish is the primary language for all groups. Ancient Elvish is a rarer language, spoken versions are gone, written forms exist and it is quite different. Ancient surviving tombs about the crash, cyphers and other tales source material may be in Ancient Elvish. Common is spoken with a elvish accent, and is more likely spoken in areas bordering Soki cities or that do extensive international trade with Ayorhah or Uthgart merchants. Draconic is a second language for most if they live near the few dragonborn cities.

Culture and cultural heritage

Arolend culture is heavily influenced by the elves and their ancestors. The elves still talk about their ancient stellar empire and their special relationship with the Star Walkers. Humans and others who are non-elves have kept similar stories alive, but they are mostly myths easily traced to Elvin tales. But they too believe their destiny will one day be back in the stars, but those secrets are lost to time. only the bold will find and unlock them.
Arolendian cities have a sort of confederacy, they will not make war against each other, and will provide aid if asked to repel foreign invaders of a princes cities. This, however does not extend to each other's colonies and settlements and here is where the conflicts will arise.

Shared customary codes and values

Art is the highest form of expression. Respect for artistic works is very important. Respect for craftspeople and artisans is a norm. Respect for literature, books and traditional stories. Respect for nature, to stay in balance and to not take from nature in such a way nature is harmed. Respect for royalty, your city's king and his court. Loyalty to king is important. Loyalty to your fellow citizens is important.

Average technological level

Arolend smiths can produce fine melee weapons and armor. Many know the secrets to forming magical metals such as Mithril. Gunsmiths can forge cannons of bronze, and can make various kinds of guns. However elves prefer swords and bows, and with their expertise and centuries of training tend have learned to combine pistols and swords into fighting styles. unleashing sorcery on foes is generally on par for firearms. Cannon emplacements to protect cities may support larger mortars and cannons.  Most arolend ships are smaller than galleons, and prefer faster frigates to avoid engagements. Most Arolend cities have a publishing district and printed books and scrolls are available.

Common Etiquette rules

Chivalry is a common cultural norm, and it is important to aristocrats and royals, especially among each other. Commoners will emulate it but are much more forgiving to minor breaches of etiquette. You bow to royals, when they speak you meet their eyes. You cannot turn your back on them until they dismiss you. Your word is your bond. Oaths carry a lot of weight. Respect your elders and listen to their words. Patience and attention are required bedrock for respect.

Common Dress code

complete Nudity is only allowed either in your own home or in nature, otherwise you should be wearing something, though it doesn't need to be a lot. Modesty is not an important norm. the island ranges from tropical to temperate, it can get hot. Shoes should be worn outside and removed inside, feet should be clean or in socks when inside Clothing should be clean when you not engaged in work. Armor is not clothing and should only be worn when going into combat (real or exhibition) or combat social functions (Royal jousts, military parades, etc) Fancy dress is allowed and normal at all functions except labor.

Art & Architecture

Arolend artists have some of the best portraiture and sculptural tradions on Alterra. Statues stand on their own, they do not incorporate them into friezes or columns. Sculptures look like real persons and exhibit emotional serenity. Emotional calm is the preferred expression, rather than capturing an emotional moment. Their statuary is stone typically, but wood and metal are not unheard of. Bronze is the preferred metal for sculpture if used at all. Wood is typically sculpted alive, tree artists spend decades shaping and moulding a tree to resemble figures, symbols or interesting shapes. Arolend culture does not prize abstraction or political realism. They prize actual depictions of events and persons.   Biophilia is the driving architectural line in Arolend design. Even practical buildings like storage and warehousing will have a natural design to it. Tree shaping will be used for important cultural buildings like palaces, universities, and royal or aristocratic residences. buildings built with traditional wood and stone will be built with living walls, living roofs, gutters will feed gardens and swales. houses have a lot of light and may have open courtyards and skylights making inside and outside hard to determine. As such most homes provide their own staples and greens, with farms outside of the city providing bulk grains and other crops.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Birthdays are celebrated among friends and family, but are only made a big deal about for elves if they reach one of these milestone ages: 50, they get their adult name, 100 they are considered a full adult, 500 they are considered a respected elder, and 700 an ancient one. An ancient one gets additional deference no matter their station by everyone, even royalty.   Summer solstice, winter solstice, are major holidays, usually including feasts that last several days. Full moons of both moons are considered important and a night feast and masquerade is in order. Once every century they celebrate "Establishment", a week long celebration in every major city, and one city is selected for a moot of the kings and princess of cities to reaffirm their confederacy.   non-elves have their own festivals which may or may not be attended by elves. these are rarely city sponsored events, and local to certain parts of the city.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Cremation is the normal way to dispose of a body. often those that can afford it make a death mask of the loved one so either a statue or portrait can be made of them at a family mausoleum. Cities have mortuary sections outside with cenotaphs, statues or busts in commemoration of a family member. Estates will have their own area built into the home for family.

Common Taboos

Defacing art is extremely disrespectful. Graffiti and damage to buildings, especially living ones, are deeply injurious, and will lead to reprisals by the owners in one way or another (duels are not uncommon). Its a bit like slapping someones mother or grandmother.   Defacing books and scrolls are similarly distasteful, but these are transient items compared to art so the value is slightly less, but it is seen as uncivilized.   Destroying nature. clear cutting a forest to make profit, big open pit mining, burning a forest to make a farm, damming a river, other very large natural impacts are seen as uncivilized, brutish and wasteful.   Lying is tolerated, not looked upon highly, makes one untrustworthy. Bullshit, bravado, and wild oaths are very distasteful and most will challenge that to a contest, or demand proof of their egotistical claims.   Murder and homicide are capital crimes, elvish princes will not tolerate death being dealt in their cities. duels, and honor fights are to be held outside the city in private.


Beauty Ideals

The elf is the Nobelist form, with large pointy ears. fair features and remarkably clean. Straight hair, long and flowing or in complicated braids and up-dews. Humanoids who match closely; humans, half elves, halflings, gnomes.

Gender Ideals

Male and female are both beautiful and similar. Males have a similar sense of beauty, and may emulate females in dress and make up. Males are expected to be quick to fight for things they believe in and love. They have an expectation to remain calm in chaos. Females are expected to be slightly more nurturing and compassionate. Females and males share power in house hold, and although the expectation is that males will fight to defend honor, it is not unusual for females to train and fight as well. In non-elf populations the gender expectations are roughly the same norm. Humans have a more patriarchal norm, but they generally dress and act the same.   homosexual and gender fluid individuals are included in the norm as parts of a spectrum but may fall into situations where they may get conflicting signals on how they are expected to act, especially at court or in highly formal situations such as balls. Masquerades can be the exception, where gender fluidity is the expectation.

Courtship Ideals

Arolend aristocrats and nobles believe in chivalry and that mates must be impressed and wooed. Typically males have the responsibility to do the impressing, but not always so. Ballads and romantic gestures, quests and gifts are commonly expected. It is expected to be competitive with others for the object of attention. Women are expected to be aloof and raise the stakes after each gesture or gift until they decide to give in.  In more common circles the wooing and impressing is much less formal, and women can be much more forward with their peers and love interests.

Relationship Ideals

The nobility are looking for strategic mates, and among elves, this could be centuries long relationship, so a courtship may take two or three decades. Among commoners the goal is a stable house life to raise children and pool resources of individuals and families. Love is that foundation, the selflessness needed to raise the next generation.

Major organizations

The Vine - a ranger organization, mercenaries who are paid by many of the cities in the southern coasts to patrol the jungles shared by the Arolend princes and the Soki cities. They will harass any scouts or adventuring parties coming from Soki lands, any traders may be accosted and either interrogated, possibly robbed or require bribes to continue. This group is despised by Soki citizens, and seen as state backed bandits. The Arolends see them as a vital bulwark against Soki infiltration and invasion.   Legion of Throth - located in Elevras this is a group of sorcerers dedicated to awakening more sorcerers in all manner of beings. they send out groups of four to find children with talents and abilities and them back to train them. they are an order of knights and they train for combat with sorcery. they are loyal to the king of Elevras, but they hire out platoons of battle sorcerers to other princes as needed.   Wierium Explorations - a chartered company based in Enorman that organizes expeditions to the crash site. It is believed this 300 year old company is the longest running expedition company. they have a 10% return rate, which is quite high. They often bring back new cyphers and materials from the crash site, ruins and other locations they have explored. They are always hiring new talent to explore and protect their operations.
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