Githyanki Ethnicity in Alterra | World Anvil
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Githyanki are a militaristic monoculture of Gith who are raiders, plunderers and slavers. They are located west of the continent of New Lemuria. They have poor relations with everyone but a clan of red dragons they share booty with.   Githyanki are sworn to follow Vlaakith their immortal high commander. Few if any ever see the high commander and her orders are carried by her generals and knights.   There are probably 4 to 6 million Gith in the Githyanki stronghold and it's surrounding environs.  

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Githyanki do not get names until they graduate to adulthood, until then they go by their root numbers. This name is awarded by their war band leader.

Family names

Gith are sired from a singular parent, each of these has a what is known as a root. That root is a 9 digit number, broken in to 3 groups of 3 numbers. if they have a sibling the first child goes as older, the second as younger.

Other names

Gith will love their titles and ranks to proceed their name.


Major language groups and dialects

Gith is the main language, written in wheel like script each idea is linked to other wheels. They also use acronyms and jargon a lot, so not much of Gith translates directly or easily without context.

Culture and cultural heritage

Githyanki descend from a planetary superpower that had dominated that world, and a few colonies in near by star systems. They were made by native Gith to fight their enemies the Githzerai. The Githyanki defended there possessions and lead campaigns to capture colonies, resources or obliterate enemy cities. Under the direction of the Star Walkers they were used as shocktroop against enemy world that resisted their hegemony or were a threat. In the cosmic war they were deployed against the star spawn. The remaining reserved were put on the arc ship. They know nothing but war and combat.

Shared customary codes and values

Githyanki follow warrior traditions and military hierarchy. The higher rank get deferment and you obey their orders. Lower ranked are to follow your orders and you are responsible for their safety, success and failures. You can discipline any lower ranked person however you think will keep order. Salutes, marches, and other military comport is expected.

Average technological level

Gith have a horde of cyphers, relics, and other ancient devices they have some idea how to use and why, but how they are manufactured is beyond them. They are great weapon smiths and make fine blades, bows, and guns. They have rifles, but they rely on their psychic abilities to turn the tide of battle. They have large war galleons that have limited flight and hover capability using ancient psychic machines. They use these in their raids. They are not great at agriculture and they grab slaves to run their farms, they have poor understanding of science, and most of their engineering is trial and error. They are intelligent and will attempt to copy techniques they see others use.

Common Dress code

Githyanki uniforms are for various events and purposes. Special dress uniforms for special audiences and events, combat uniforms and armor for raids and adventures, casual uniforms for relaxation or work. Different ranks and groups have distinctive colors and armor shapes.

Art & Architecture

Githyanki have no art they have for themselves, they will try to copy styles from things they have captured or seen on their raids. these are usually hollow and artless copies as they can't understand the cultural concepts or emotions being conveyed in the art.   Their main base is a massive multi-layered fortress with underground vaults and chambers. Buildings are strong and over built for defense. The internal may be decorated with half copied murals, sculptures or other projects.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Graduating to adulthood is a Githyanki's first major accomplishment. As a child they are trained and tested and sent on hunts and maneuvers until they prove their ability. Many are killed in training and the survivors become adults. At this point they go from training to joining their warband. The warband leader will give them a name.

Common Taboos

Never disrespect Vlaakith, or her orders from a knight.

Historical figures

Vlaakith is the supreme commander of the Githyanki and is immortal. No one has seen her but she has a massive command center at the heart of their city Tu'narath. She maybe kept alive by relics and psychic energy, no one is sure. She is the mother of all Gith and was put in charge by the ancient gith who made her.


Beauty Ideals

Gith have no attraction to each other or anything really. They plunder and like things that look expensive and valuable. They love weapons and armors.

Gender Ideals

The Gith are asexual and are technically female, but then become more masculine as they age. They are confused about other beings gender, gender roles and gendered clothing.

Relationship Ideals

As you train and survive to adulthood you form tight bonds with your squad mates. You confide in them, you plot with them, you fight and defend each other. you may fight, squabble and when in combat you will do everything to keep them alive and trust them implicitly. It is a bond of platonic love, and the closest thing you will have to a family.
Encompassed species
Related Locations
Githyanki collect slaves during their raids. They are assigned to a general pool and pulled out and put to work doing various jobs. Most are agricultural jobs tending fields and herding animals. Young adults are usually put in charge of keeping the slaves in line. However, because Githyanki are far more interested in plunder and raids they will not notice if slaves escape. If someone thinks it would be good training to send some children after them to capture them they may do that, but they will just get more labor replacements on the next raid. Slave uprisings are usually put down in a very bloody fashion, especially if a gith is killed. The gith are aware there are villages of escaped slaves not more than a weeks travel from their city, but they would rather gather new ones from a fresh target.

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