Tu'narath Settlement in Alterra | World Anvil
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Tu'narath is the main city of the Githyanki, located on the Yanki peninsula on the northwest coast of New Lemuria. This city was founded about 5000 years ago, the first Githyanki who settled here built fortresses and towers around the river valley, and for about a 1000 years they built up their industries and ability to project force over the planet, mostly in their renewed war with the Githzerai. However this low level warfare strained their resources and as many of power sources and systems they built began to fail they had to turn to survival. It is in this period that Vlaakith established their power over the Githyanki rather than the warlords. Their supreme commander from ancient days was reinstated and unified the Githyanki. Vlaakith's main fortress was built out and expanded and the fortifications linked with walls and districts.


97% of the population are Gith and Githyanki ethnicity. Every corner of power is held by Githyanki. The remaining population in the city are slaves brought back from raids.


The city is run by dictate from Vlaakith. Knights are their primary enforcers loyal only to Vlaakith. There are several dozen generals who are responsible for a ward, settlement, industrial complex. They act as commander, judge, jury, and mayor of these districts. Each General has hundreds of officers who have various responsibilities delegated to them. Under each officer are dozens of war band leaders. Each war band consists of 20 to 40 Gith.


There are several layers of defenses that protect this city. The outer most are a series of towers and gun emplacements. Some of the guns are relics that fire energy beams, most don't work, but are left as intimidation. the second layer of defenses are moats and walls 40' to 60' high and 15' thick. Every few hundred feet is a gate tower with portcullises.   Along the river is are two fortresses with cannon emplacements that can hit an enemy ship up to 500' away. These forts are always crewed.   Encircling the central fortress are rings of defenses. Each ward is separated by walls and towers. Each tower is crewed and the walls patrolled. The central fortress district is off limits to all but the knights and generals and their select staff. This central fortress is crewed by Gith who are selected to run it and can never leave. Some slaves are taken here and rarely if ever leave. This fortress has 30' thick walls and cannon emplacements, relic weapons, usually has two or three dragons on air patrol at all time.

Industry & Trade

The primary industry of Tu'narath is raiding and piracy. In the winter months they inhabitants will train, build ships, repair old ones, forge weapons, work on side projects, and so forth. Come spring when the winter storms subside each general will commission raids around the world. Some fleets will be gone for months. When they return they split the spoils with their dragon allies, divide the rest with the officers and generals who then hand out rewards to warriors who distinguished themselves. Slaves are sent to the fields and to work in various production buildings. They don't have merchants or taxes or organized trade, but intrepid adventurers and merchants may visit the city to bring food, livestock, and other goods they don't make or haven't stolen. The Gith don't really understand trade, but will gladly part with a relic for something novel or interesting. If you can convince them you are not invading or a Githzarai they are indifferent to visitors.


Tu'narath is a sprawling complex of villages, complexes, fortresses, half finished buildings, all built to take a beating, with few windows. Inside they are a riotous collection of half finished construction, art, murals, projects. There are also ruins of buildings the Gith built but lost interest in, or the officer who was in charge of running died and no one remembered why they were working on it. Some are thousands of years old and may have forgotten levels and hidden areas with ancient stolen hordes or forgotten cyphers and relics.   There is a fairly good sewer system, but it usually doesn't work in the winter as it freezes over, some areas have well maintained roads others have disintegrated into rubble. The walls, fortresses and and towers of the city are all usually in good repair and crewed.   The City has several large forges, shipyards, and can make warships Galleon size and some are capable of limited flight using cyphers or relics. The outer wards usually have farms, livestock, and orchards. This is where the majority of the slave population are and their dwellings. Gith take slaves but they are not seen as economic assets, just spoils you put to work, and if they run off you go out and get more.   The city does not have a great health infrastructure, disease is common. Disease and pain are to be survived or die trying. There are no parks, but there is a lot of open space between various wards, common areas.


Tu'narath has some relic or facility that can store food indefinitely so everything they capture or harvest is stored there so they have years of food stored. The city has a bivouac ward that has huge stores of conventional weapons, an assortment of exotic and magical weapons, cyphers and relics, but are under strict control and guard. These are passed out as the generals deem necessary for raids. Gith are encouraged to capture weapons, these are for use on bigger targets.   Red dragons could be considered an asset, but they are partners in this arrangement. They provide young to train and go on raids with the Knights. They have a ward where they live. after a decade or two of service the dragons leave to take over their own territory.

Guilds and Factions

The generals are all trying to curry favor and prove their loyalty to Vlaakith and their knights. A general is not above sending a warband (or a bunch of adventurers) to steal a particularly good tribute from another general. This is all clandestine, so the generals and their officers always have one eye on each other. The ward boarders and defenses is more for controlling movement between wards than worrying about an invasion. If these rivalries actually escalate to violence the victors may be given control of that ward, or the knights will come and kill both generals and put someone else in charge.   The knights can not be bribed, threatened, or intimidated by the Generals. They are the tribunes and enforcers of Vlaakith's will. They are hard to refuse. These warriors are psychically gifted and trained to use their psychic abilities to crush their enemies. Having a red dragon as a mount helps too.


As mentioned some adventurers will come here to trade. Some are drawn by the possibility of infiltrating the city and finding an abandoned building with a hidden stash of treasure forgotten by the gith. Unless that is your interest no one else willing goes to Tu'narath.


The oldest parts of the city are made of synth, the newer parts are made of cut stone or brick. The exterior is grey, blocky, stoic and functional. The interiors as described are a mad mixture of many culture's art, and over time many styles. most of it is half finished or poorly executed.


Tu'narath sits on a gently sloping valley to tall hills. The central fortress is on a medium size hill, the rest of the city is spread over the plane and along several other hills. The surrounding soil has about 3 to 5 feet of topsoil and is good for growing crops in the short winters. The river can flood in the spring when the snows melt. over the centuries there are levies and raised portions of the streets along the riverfront. every few decades a storm can flood the city. The gith will rebuild any destroyed portions of defenses within a few months, some damaged buildings will be abandoned even though they could be repaired. In the winters the city is blanketed in snow.

Natural Resources

The areas surround the city have been deforested a long time ago. The city relies on limited trade, or logging operations outside the valley. there are good quarries nearby to supply stone, and clay deposits for brick making. The soil is good for crops and the valley has plenty of range land for livestock. There are some mines, but the vast majority of their supplies come from raids. If they need iron they will raid a mining area. If they need more livestock they will raid farms and ranchers. because of this reliance on raiding there are colonies in close proximity to Tu'narath that exploit the resources the gith have ignored.


  • Yanki Peninsula
    Far North strip of land dominated by the Githyanki, northwest arm of New Lemuria.
Founding Date
Large city
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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