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Tend to be nomadic clans that will take up residence in return for their technological skills. Each group of clans elects a “Noble” family to represent them to other races. They tend to live in enclaves in other city states, and are more commonly found with Dwarves and Humans. If they have their own cities or towns they are well hidden and known only to trusted outsiders.  

Basic Information


Short humanoids that stand between 2'-9" tall to 3'-6" tall.

Biological Traits

There are three main groups of gnomes (See Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes), Rock Gnomes, Forest Gnomes, and Deep Gnomes. Biologically Rock and Forest Gnomes are identical, Deep Gnomes mature faster, have better darkvision and are more nimble.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gnomes are live born and gestate for 7 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gnomes reach puberty around age 14, they reach their adult height at age 30 and are fully adult around age 40.

Ecology and Habitats

Gnomes have three main habitats they can be found; cities, forests and underground. In cities they tend to inhabit a neighborhood or block of buildings. In forests they build hidden buildings and warrens of connecting tunnels, and grow trees and other cover to camouflage them. Finally they are often found in completely subterranean locations. Gnomes are nocturnal, and prefer to be about at night and prefer the cozy darkness. They prefer temperate climates, but are found in tropical locations as well.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gnomes are vegetarians, and prefer high protein and high carbohydrate legumes, nuts, roots, tubers and other plants. Rock Gnomes are able to tolerate lean meat and fish. Forest Gnomes are intolerant of meat, and milk once they reach adulthood. Deep Gnomes tend to eat more fungi and insects, but avoid other meats.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gnomes live in clans of 6 to 8 interrelated families. These families tend to have tight bonds, and don't eagerly disband or give their loyalty to larger groups. One of the families is voted to be "Noble" which means they deal with outsiders to the clan.   Rock Gnomes are democratic by nature and want consensus between the adults of the clan. They like to debate and argue. If threatened, though they can bring considerably united front against any enemy.   Forest Gnomes are more independent and their clan associations are looser between families, but they have a group of elders who confer and make decisions for the Clan.   Deep Gnomes are communal and share everything and do not live private lives. Each individual may have a personal chest or wardrobe but everything from sleeping arrangements, food, clothes and tools are communal. They draw up detailed plans of what the clan needs to do, jobs, goals, production and divide up labor to each individual according to their skills and ability.

Facial characteristics

Gnomes have angular features, narrow set eyes, and pointy curved ears. They have facial hair and thin hair on their heads.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Rock Gnomes are mostly found in cities and hills. They are most common in Ayorhah regions. Forest Gnomes are common on Origin Island, Uthash forests. Deep Gnomes are mostly found in Uthash underground complexes with Dwarves.

Average Intelligence

Gnomes are more intelligent than humans on average, and have minds that stay sharper longer. They faster processing of sensory input so they have fast reactions to surprises.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gnomes have darkvision and can see in dim light, and in shades of grey in darkness. Otherwise they have the same perceptiveness has humans. Forest gnomes have innate magical ability.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

See Mordenkainan's Tome of Foes.

Beauty Ideals

Gnomes love complexity and nature. they are easily fascinated and fixated on interesting ideas, discovery and pursue it.

Gender Ideals

Gnomes are generally accepting of all forms and blends of gender, for both their kind and others. Anyone can be what every they want to be.

Courtship Ideals

Most Gnomes make something to entice and enchant their desired partner. They may take a decade to perfect it before they present it.

Relationship Ideals

Gnomes are generally monogamous and life mated. Though they will tend to follow the culture they are living in.

Average Technological Level

Gnomes have an advanced understanding of engineering, manufacturing, mechanisms and magic. They have a well developed technological volcabulary and practiced ways of documenting these devices. Some clans have produced mechanical computers that can be programmed using tin sheets. These are mostly custom made for industrial purposes like looms or for calculating navigation. They have a system of calculus and mathematics that is beyond other culture's knowledge.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Gnomish is a language separate from dwarvish, but it uses their rune system. Written Gnomish is incomprehensible to dwarven readers.   Most gnomes speak the local cultural language.

Common Etiquette Rules

Gnomes are friendly and gregarious, they will go out of their way to make sure everyone is having fun and is entertained. They tend to be extroverts so they want to be engaged all the time. Being selfish, greedy or rude is prone to cause them to pull pranks on you.

Common Dress Code

Gnomes tend to dress in the manner of the culture they are living in, but they are attracted to mechanical do-dads, oddities, and other items to add to their clothing.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Gnomes are distinct and do not give up their gnomish identity. They like to spend time on their pursuits and interests and don't like politics. Administrative and political tasks are avoided and if they have to do it they are going to spend more time innovating a way around it than doing it.

Common Taboos

Do not break, destroy, mar, sabotage, pervert or defraud any gnome of their invention. This is a way to become an "Urdlen", someone who is not helpful and detrimental to the creativity of gnomes.


No one is particularly sure where gnomes come from. They write their language in Dwarven so it is assumed they came from a dwarven planet. It is not clear. Gnomes were the last to leave the ship, taking an extraordinary time to find the right tools and parts they needed to survive. Gnomes may have lived in the wreckage for up to a century before they wondered off to settle.   Gnomes on Alterra are considered to be the most technologically savvy beings in any region. Their tinkerers build mundane and magical devices, and have better than average luck finding and using cyphers. Their clans may live in a city but they become so focused on their work people forget they even live there. They have long lifespans so they may have ownership of buildings for generations. They also tunnel and interconnect their buildings so they can travel unseen and not be distracted when working.   Gnomes are wary of curious beings interested in their technology which they build for fun, but others want to put to work as a war machines. This is usually the main reason a clan may leave a city for a home in a new land or wilderness to leave greed and violence behind.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Rock Gnomes are mostly seen in the company of humans and elves, they are city dwellers, and get along well with a variety of other humanoids. In some cities Gnomes and Kobolds develop animosity because their sub-surface constructions can interfere with each other which can lead to conflicts in the city.   Forest Gnomes are friendly with most creatures, Firbolgs, Halflings and elves who live in harmony with nature. They are not friendly towards goblinoids or those that despoil nature.   Deep Gnomes are usually found with dwarves in their underground complexes. They have similar aims and interests in mining, extraction and forging. They may get along with the Drow that sometimes are found in these complexes, sometimes not depending on their history.   Gnomes in general are open and friendly towards outsiders when encountered away from their homes, they can be friendly but guarded in or near their homes.


350 to 500 years for Rock and Forest, 250 for Deep Gnomes.
Average Height
2'-6" to 3'-6"
Average Weight
40 lb to 50 lb
Average Physique
Gnomes are thinner and ectomorphic builds with narrow musculature.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Gnomes have a range of colors based on their sub race. Rock Gnomes have darker, tan to darker black skin. Forest Gnomes have pale to tan skin tones. Deep Gnomes have dark grey skin with flecks of blue. All these gnome types can intermarry and tend to have a mixed color and hair types.


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