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The Goliaths have one city state in the south Shaleck Sea, on coast in the hills near the glaciers. Outside of this one enclave they are rarely found living elsewhere. They wander the frozen tundra and dislike warmer climes. However, always seeking a challenge individual may travel abroad, or march off on their own quest.

Basic Information


large humannoids, they look completely human but larger frame.

Biological Traits

large humanoids with slow metabolisms and resistance to cold and freezing. They have glands that secrete a kind of anti-freeze enzyme that allows them to avoid freezing and their core temperature is only 89F. They can survive hypothermia with less damage than a human. Their mucus membranes are more oily than wet. This seems to keep moisture in their bodies and prevent drying out in the cold temperatures.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goliath give live birth and carry a pregnancy for 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goliath's have the same growth rate has humans, but are born larger.

Ecology and Habitats

Goliaths prefer cold climates an high altitudes. They avoid overly wet or hot climes, and don't do well in humidity.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goliath diet is omnivorous and relies heavily on fat and meat for energy.

Biological Cycle

Goliaths reach adulthood at age 16 and have the same lifespan as a human, but live reckless lives so they rarely live to old age.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tribal affiliations are the core of Goliath social hierarchy. All positions are earned and the most skilled are the leaders. Goliaths are loud and competitive, so positions of power are challenged often, and demonstrations of skill and beating a contest of skills key in remaining in power, or rising in rank.

Facial characteristics

Features are humanoid, they have short body hair like a fur, and their skin is tough.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The vast majority live in South Eridani and stick to the tundra, hills, and sub-arctic southern latitudes. Some individuals will travel to see the world and challenge themselves in ways that they can't in their home lands.

Average Intelligence

Have the same intelligence as humans, and brains and nervous system is resistant to damage from freezing

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goliaths have the same sensory ranges has humans. They retain their sense of touch in extreme cold when humans would be numb.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Individuals are give three names; a birth name by their parents, a nickname assigned by the tribe chief, and finally their clan name. These names have specific syllables, individual names are always 3 syllables, clan names 5. The nickname is liable to change as the individual succeeds or fails the tribe.

Gender Ideals

Goliaths do not have gender roles, and leave it to the most capable to do the job irregardless of their gender.

Average Technological Level

Goliaths have a very low technological level, They are not capable of manufacturing metal items, but will shape found metal into tools. They prefer clubs, stone spears, and stone arrows. If they can trade for a metal tool or weapons they will gladdly do so. They do not rely on cyphers, magic, or magical devices as dependence on these can render you vulnerable when they stop working or are lost.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Goliaths speak common with a distinctive accent, or possibly the original accent as this language was handed down from their ancient past with the Ayorhah settlers. They claim their native language is Giant, which they can also write in. It is unknown if this is true, or if when they mean giant they mean the modern giants that inhabit the region.

Common Etiquette Rules

Everything can be and should be challenged. to avoid a challenge or refuse to prove yourself is disrespectful to everyone in your tribe and the challenger's tribe.

Common Dress Code

Thick hides, furs, leather and warm clothing are their normal dress. Even though they can handle very cold temperatures they prefer to keep their body temperature stable.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Survival is the soul of Goliath culture - nature will challenge you with out relenting. Therefore all of life is a challenge and everything is a challenge that must be tackled. The hundreds of thousands of Goliaths walking the Alterra today are descended from survivors who refused to give up despite all of the odds being stacked against them.


Goliath race hails from the planet of Oth, a cold dark world that was under Star Walker protection. The ancient Goliath world was supposedly technologically advanced long before the Star Walkers found them. Their ancient culture collapsed from either a change in the solar output, a cosmic event that pushed the world out from their star or some other catastrophic event happened and they became a frozen world.   The Arc Ship crashing in a desert lead to the deaths of the bulk of the population. The survivors followed the ayorhah on their migration, but instead of going to the south meridian sea they took the currents south to the polar wastes. Out of tens of thousands only a few hundred arrived. This caused a bottleneck in their population that shows up in the genetic similarity of all members of the Goliath species.   The survivors established the city of Othgilaed. That city was abandoned after a few centuries and the tribes dispersed to find better food sources. A few thousand years later Othgilaed was re-established as the Citadel of Challenges. A place tribes could gather and compete with each other and record their challenges. The city is now a trade center for the outside world, and intrepid explorers and prospectors will come to look for riches.   The Citadel of Challenges is only occupied part of the year, the first tribe to arrive challenges the next tribe to run the city. The winner keeps a small percentage of the trade in the city. Depending on the spoils and successes of the tribes during the summers there maybe many tribes or just a few to make it to the citadel. They spend the rest of the fall and winter challenging each other to games, exploits, contests, hunts, and other feats. Outsiders trapped in the city may or may not get pulled in but they will be stuck until spring when the harbors unfreezes.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Golliaths mock all other species, especially when they demand respect and cooperation without proving they are worth it.


90 years
Average Height
8'-0" to 9'-6"
Average Weight
240lbs to 350lbs
Average Physique
Goliath forms are tall and muscled, They also have fat reserves and insulation spread evenly around their bodies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tone is usually grey to white, with icy blue streaks. Their eyes are grey, brown, or black.
Geographic Distribution


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