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Grimazura (a.k.a. The Cat, Cat Woman, Concert Cat)

Grimazura was born a man in Zalfari, Animalia. Her parents left her in an orphanage nearby and then skipped town. The battle nuns who run the orphanage immediately noticed her, but decided to raise her despite the lack of any proper paperwork. Within the orphanage, Grimazura befriended a rat named Zanfan. After many years of a supporting, loving family in the nuns, Grimazura decided that it was her time to leave the nest. She attempted to raise enough money to get a small place nearby with Zanfan, but later learned of an unforgivable act by her closest friend. This news caused her to lash out at him, and completely cut ties with Zanfan shortly after. During this era of her life, she became a street musician and was eventually noticed by a noble by the name of Sleezo. Sleezo gave her a job as a bard upon hearing her music, but paid her very little. After many years of work under him, he learned that his concubines would enter her room at night. Sleezo assumed the worst despite Grimazura's vow of abstinence and quickly banished her from setting foot in Animalia. In her banishment Grimazura went all the way to Kadia in search of a new job. Her journey there took her to many places, including many temporary jobs performing at taverns, schools, and public spaces. Evntually, she arrived at Kadia. There, she studied psychology and eventually found a job as a therapist in a noble's court. After months of work, her coworkers began to realize that the noble was acting strange, and thanks to a demonic possession, she was once again out of a job. After this, Grimazura decided that she wanted a fresh start. She travelled all the way to Sigozasia, stopping by many taverns and adventurer's guilds. Eventually, she found herself in an adventurer's guild that gave her a new job. After a day of adventuring, her party found a prophecy of total world destruction. Throughout the span of a few months, her adventuring party has helped her take down Sleezo and helped her get unbanned from Animalia, helped her learn more about herself, and led her to a strange set of circumstances which ended in the god of mischief turning her into a woman. Ever since then, Grimazura has been learning more about herself and her identity.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Unassuming slim build. Weak arms, small shoulders, very short.

Body Features

Fully covered in thick fur with retractable claws on all 4 paws.

Facial Features

Rounder face with large ears. Bottom half of face is white fur rather than orange. Fur on top is styled, but usually covered.

Identifying Characteristics

Looks like a normal house cat standing on hind legs from a distance. Upon closer inspection however, many realize that she might be a tabaxi.

Physical quirks

Fur seems to be a tiger coat, but black spots don't appear often enough to be noticeable.

Special abilities

Can bend the weave of magic thanks to years of practice through the power of performance. This inate ability allows her to inspire even gods to do things that was once believed impossible.

Apparel & Accessories

Green and black clothing. Normal clothes include a puffy shirt, slim jacket, scarf, beanie, and a pair of capris. Formal clothes include a dress, fancy jacket, and a neck tie.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a child, she didn't have many friends, but those that she had were closer than anything else to her. After Zanfan's betrayal, she had a hard time trusting others, to the point that she would hardly talk to anyone else for months.   Within Sleezo's court, she began to discover psychology and decided to work on herself. She would constantly have her noble's concubines over at night to rant frustrations, perform new songs, and improve her social life.   After Sleezo forced her out, she fully went into psychology and found out how to best handle stress and other strong emotional responses. Although she still found herself missing something. This feeling continued all the way until her meeting with Jexel.   One day, Jexel decided that he was bored and wanted change. He decided that a good target for this would be someone who always agrees with him, Grimazura. During her prayer, he called her up to his headspace and asked her for a favor. This favor ended up completely changing her outlook as he had finally given her what was missing, Jexel had turned Grimazura into a woman.

Gender Identity





Grimazura is about average in terms of intellegence, she had religious teachings from the nuns and learned about politics from Sleezo. Although she has areas that are lacking, like vocabulary and math, she makes up for it with her expertise in areas like pyschology and religion.


Ex-Bard for Sleezo Ex-Therapist in Kadia Adventurer

Accomplishments & Achievements

Gaining the favor of the god that she worships, spreading music to the land of the gnolls, and harnessing the power of Doug are all in her list of greatest accomplishments. Her party has helped her to achieve many large scale feats, but these minor things are what she most fondly reflects on.

Failures & Embarrassments

Attempting to ask out a woman named Mirai ended in colossal failure that momentarily depressed Grimazura, but she quickly got over it.

Mental Trauma

Dozens of life threatening battles could break even those with the stronest of wills. However, Grimazura's pyschology research has aided her in staying sane.

Morality & Philosophy

Grimazura believes in the lives of the many over those of the few, she refuses to participate in needless murder, and she believes that sometimes, a little mischief is necessary to create change.

Personality Characteristics


Grimazura is guided by a feeling of needing to share her talents with the world, doing the right thing, and wanting to find herself.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Therapy Performance Religious Studies and Prayer Sprinting   Ineptitudes: Lifting Romantic Relationships Sharing Feelings With Party

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Fish Children Music Talking Swimming   Hates: Betrayal Raccoons Rats

Virtues & Personality perks

She has always been proud of her drive; when she wants something, it's made abundantly clear by her immediate action in doing it. She feels proud of moments where she acted selflessly, missing opportunity for the sake of her morals or to help others.

Vices & Personality flaws

She has always had problems sharing. When confronted about her past, even when it was vital information, she shrugged it off and instead told her friends only segments of truth. This is traced back to her biggest flaw, her fear. Grimazura is afraid to be alone, afraid to fail those around her, afraid to lose everything that she has ever wanted. She hides things that bring her shame to decrease her chances of loneliness, but she knows that she can't keep an act up forever. This is the reason she specializes in illusion magic.

Personality Quirks

Grimazura almost never knows what to do with her hands, so she has developed a few ticks. The main one however being her tendency to fiddle with her different instruments when bored.


She is very clean thanks to her feline instincts. Usually she just prestidigitations herself clean, but on occasion she licks herself clean for fun.


Contacts & Relations

Positive relationships with many nobles including the Quintessas, Zalan, and the Aerwynas.   Party Relationships: Baisley: Two magical girls walk into a bar, hijinks ensue. Comedically, the two seem to switch between a clown/straight man act as well as a more light hearted banter type of act. Estahn: She's known him longer than she's known most people in the party, and yet she still can't get a proper read on him. His mad ramblings of Google not only stump her, but also make her want to study his mental state closer. Nox: She hasn't talked to him enough to really get a feel for him. He and Baisley seem to have some beef, which has resulted in her having to be party mom and break up their fighting. Deimos: BIIIIGGGGG FLUFFFY DOOGGGGGGG. As for him, he seems to really care for Phobos, to a point that she has never seen anyone care for an animal. This makes talking to Deimos a really positive experience for her. Olg: She has a strange gravitation to Olg, be it because of the fact that they are both animal folk, his world view of everything being a dream, or the fact that he's just got a fun personality.

Family Ties

She never knew her family, and doesnt care to. In her eyes, they are the people who abandoned her and left her with her real family, the nuns.

Religious Views

Worships Jexel

Social Aptitude

Grimazura is able to easily make friends, but she struggles to form romantic relationships as a result of her vow to abstinence keeping her from forming any for years.


She keeps good posture but tends to fiddle with items if left bored for too long.

Hobbies & Pets

Grimazura keeps a demilich named Von underneath her scarf. Her hobbies include music, dance, poetry, and nearly every art form that she can get her hands on.


She has a higher pitched voice, tends to speak with her hands, and is overall very expressive when talking.

Wealth & Financial state

Born poor but has since become fairly wealthy thanks to her job as an adventurer.

Once known as Grimazur, Grimazura had her gender changed by the god of mischief, Jexel. She was raised in the old Animalian Orphanage, worked under a few nobles, and learned the power of music and became a therapist.

Current Location
Aethrad, Sigozasia
View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Zalfari, Animalia
Current Residence
Orange and white
85 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I can't pray without my Paltrow" "So about those evil raccoons" "Can I persuade the dead body?" "Cuz after allllll, you're my wonderwalllll!" "So anyway, stone number?" "Don't hit me up, only the real ones know"
Known Languages
Common, Deep Speech

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My Story So Far (Prelude-Interlude I)

Prelude: I've realized that I've been building up far too much stress as a result of my story's climax approaching. Hopefully writing in this journal could allow me to relieve this stress while also warning future generations of the dangers and perils that have occurred in my quest. In this entry I intend to chronical all of my journey with our currently unnamed party in a more or less chronological order. This is so that this may be one day used as a primary source in history books telling of this period in history, one day leaving this world with a legacy to be proud of.   The Beginning: For the sake of this entry, my journey begins with the very first time that I met the people who would become my friends. It all started at what I had believed to be a a tavern or an inn of some kind, in which I stopped to entertain the people. Little did I know however, this was no mere tavern, but rather an adventurer's guild. And I had just happened to walk in on the same day that 4 others did. While I played my bagpipes, a colorful cast decided to enter the building, a scarecrow, what I believed to be a blond female elf, a strange humanoid boy with white hair, and a female elf with a weird, malicious vibe all at once. The girl with golden hair walked up to what I had assumed to be the waitress with a card in hand. Before I could get a good look at this card, the scarecrow not only moved up to me, but also spoke to me. They introduced themselves as Thana, out of politeness I also introduced myself, but my interest was still on the card. Before I knew it, I had stopped playing music altogether and was just following Thana somewhere. They took me to the people they were with and had us introduce each other. The boy was named Deidre and the suspicious girl was Dalynn. The blond girl left the counter with a few gold pieces, and then went up to us. She said that her name was Baisley, and that she worked there. Before I could introduce myself, an orc woman came in looking tired. The people in the guild straightened out a bit immediately after her appearance, so her having a position of power was strongly implied. A quick interaction with her led to all of us gaining one of those cards that Baisley had, making us official adventurers. She looked around for a random low level job for us and found a quick one involving kobolds. The rest of the day is a blur of fighting, right up until the end. After defeating the kobolds, something strange happened, we found a seemingly prehistoric room. Upon walking into this room, it was clear that it was prophetic. Engraved on the walls was a tale of three dragons, three dragons both ancient and foul, three dragons born in an instant. These dragons were said to have enough combined power to destroy all of Alterum in an instant. Aside from that, no information was given. After that, we decided to finally rest up for the night and hope that it was just a drawing.   Interlude I: It's at this point in the story in which you may be confused for a few reasons, but here I can clear that up. Firstly, at this point in my history I was still a man named Grimazur. Obviously, that's no longer who I am. Secondly, at this point in time we were only a party of 5 with nearly no power at all. This caused even minor battles like this one against kobolds to be eerily close to having a death in the group. Finally, Baisley before this had only ever gotten even lower level jobs than that of a kobold camp clearing. Things like item retrieval were all she had, causing her pay at this time to be subpar to say the least. The most confusion however, probably comes from the dragon paintings, that's a story for my next entry however. For now, I must leave to attend to pressing matters.