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The Cat, Cat Woman, Concert Cat

Once known as Grimazur, Grimazura had her gender changed by the god of mischief, Jexel. She was raised in the old Animalian Orphanage, worked under a few nobles, and learned the power of music and became a therapist.

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Aethrad, Sigozasia

Campaign & Party

Tue 23rd Feb 2021 02:59

My Story So Far (Prelude-Interlude I)

by Grimazura

Prelude: I've realized that I've been building up far too much stress as a result of my story's climax approaching. Hopefully writing in this journal could allow me to relieve this stress while also warning future generations of the dangers and perils that have occurred in my quest. In this entry I intend to chronical all of my journey with our currently unnamed party in a more or less chronological order. This is so that this may be one day used as a primary source in history books telling of this period in history, one day leaving this world with a legacy to be proud of.
The Beginning: For the sake of this entry, my journey begins with the very first time that I met the people who would become my friends. It all started at what I had believed to be a a tavern or an inn of some kind, in which I stopped to entertain the people. Little did I know however, this was no mere tavern, but rather an adventurer's guild. And I had just happened to walk in on the same day that 4 others did. While I played my bagpipes, a colorful cast decided to enter the building, a scarecrow, what I believed to be a blond female elf, a strange humanoid boy with white hair, and a female elf with a weird, malicious vibe all at once. The girl with golden hair walked up to what I had assumed to be the waitress with a card in hand. Before I could get a good look at this card, the scarecrow not only moved up to me, but also spoke to me. They introduced themselves as Thana, out of politeness I also introduced myself, but my interest was still on the card. Before I knew it, I had stopped playing music altogether and was just following Thana somewhere. They took me to the people they were with and had us introduce each other. The boy was named Deidre and the suspicious girl was Dalynn. The blond girl left the counter with a few gold pieces, and then went up to us. She said that her name was Baisley, and that she worked there. Before I could introduce myself, an orc woman came in looking tired. The people in the guild straightened out a bit immediately after her appearance, so her having a position of power was strongly implied. A quick interaction with her led to all of us gaining one of those cards that Baisley had, making us official adventurers. She looked around for a random low level job for us and found a quick one involving kobolds. The rest of the day is a blur of fighting, right up until the end. After defeating the kobolds, something strange happened, we found a seemingly prehistoric room. Upon walking into this room, it was clear that it was prophetic. Engraved on the walls was a tale of three dragons, three dragons both ancient and foul, three dragons born in an instant. These dragons were said to have enough combined power to destroy all of Alterum in an instant. Aside from that, no information was given. After that, we decided to finally rest up for the night and hope that it was just a drawing.
Interlude I: It's at this point in the story in which you may be confused for a few reasons, but here I can clear that up. Firstly, at this point in my history I was still a man named Grimazur. Obviously, that's no longer who I am. Secondly, at this point in time we were only a party of 5 with nearly no power at all. This caused even minor battles like this one against kobolds to be eerily close to having a death in the group. Finally, Baisley before this had only ever gotten even lower level jobs than that of a kobold camp clearing. Things like item retrieval were all she had, causing her pay at this time to be subpar to say the least. The most confusion however, probably comes from the dragon paintings, that's a story for my next entry however. For now, I must leave to attend to pressing matters.

The major events and journals in Grimazura's history, from the beginning to today.

Leaked image of Olg after having a soak

04:08 am - 05.07.2021

Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk rule the future with an iron fist, but if we can just take them out, there's always a chance of returning to the past...

04:05 am - 05.07.2021

Huh, it's been a while since I've written. Here's an update. I woke up from my anxiety induced coma just to be a maid. The work isn't too great, but the uniform makes me feel nice. I'm keeping the outfit after I leave this castle. Oh also Nox is working right next to me but for some reason he never talks. He's been weird since the patron left. I should really go back to adventuring, but I can't bear to think what the nuns will think of me now...

03:15 pm - 11.05.2021

Just woke up from a three day coma, feeling good

09:31 pm - 23.03.2021

Nox really did wake up in a vegetative state and we picked some random girl up from the street. She's pretty cool though. She has a positive aura kinda like deimos, it makes me feel much stronger than I actually am. But man, rap battling a god and then fighting a giant pickle dinosaur thing in one day tends to make anyone tired

09:36 pm - 01.03.2021

I've only ever lost one rap battle, Insane Jerry was a far more worthy opponent than Jexel.

05:49 am - 28.02.2021

This entire party has gone crazy istj. Nox lost his powers, Baisley was possessed, Estahn is senile, Olg won't stop talking to a sword that keeps requesting blood for the blood god, and Deimos is in the fetal position whenever he's higher than 2 feet in the air. And yet everyone has refused a therapy session with me, I'm not even charging them for it :(

12:20 am - 23.02.2021

These new clothes fit really well, really glad that they were made by aynalys and not some creep haha

06:42 pm - 10.02.2021


06:00 am - 10.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Grimazura.