Nyambas Fenriel

Description Nyambas Fenriel is a 60 year old female dragonborn fighter. She has a crested head and brown eyes. She has dirty brass scales. She stands 192cm (6'3") tall and has a massive build. She has a square, unremarkable face.   She has a small scar on her back and a large scar on her right cheek.   Personality Traits She zealously worshipsNyambas Fenriel, purification through fire. (True Neutral) She is a very good diplomat and always works towards resolution of conflict. She constantly looks for the loophole. She values honor above all. She always has a battle story to tell. She is always joking, even at inappropriate times.   Ability Scores Strength - 22 [+6] Dexterity - 10 [0] Constitution - 20 [+5] Intellect - 8 [-1] Wisdom - 9 [-1] Charisma - 12 [+1]   Relationships Sexual Orientation - Straight Relationship Status - In a relationship   Alignment Tendencies Good: 3 Lawful: 3 Neutral: 5 Neutral: 5 Evil: 0 Chaotic: 6   She started the city of Fenriel On Ancient Island when she discovered a rather large deposit of gold
Founded Settlements