Fenriel, The Starting City

Fenriel was started by a dragonborn adventurer named Nyambas Fenriel when she discovered a rather large deposit of gold. today the mines are becoming depleted but there are 2 other resources that keep the town if not booming than at least holding its own. Those resources are the production of cedar incense and tourism. The tourists come to see the dinosaurs, scholars and pilgrims come to see the many ancient temples that dot the landscape and archaeologists and treasurer seekers that come to dig in the many ruins.   Small cities are the smallest of the cities as their name implies. They are often found along important trade routes or intersections. Small cities are almost always surrounded by stone walls and may be protected by a small garrison of professional soldiers to aid in the cities defense. A city of this size would only be attacked by a dedicated military force that saw the city as a vital objective, or simply had to get past it. If a city can’t be taken by force, it may become the target of a siege. Small cities are almost always directly governed by a lord assisted by a number of other lesser nobles that help administer the day to day operations of the city. In some cases there are free cities which have no obligation to the crown and are governed by directly by the men of the city, but in most settings these are the exception rather than the rule. Cities are almost never able to supply enough food to feed their populations and so depend on the smaller towns and villages near them.


The city is surrounded by a stone wall with a platform near the top for guards to patrol.
Roughly twenty thousand call Fenriel home
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