Artisanats - Outils et Utilisations

Les outils sont un élément important et leurs utilisations ne doit pas être prises à la légère.   Voici un résumé des outils et de leurs fonctionnalité. En plus de la création d'objet, les outils vous permettes d'obtenir des meilleurs gains lors de l'intermède de travaille. Il peut aussi arriver que l'utilisation d'outil soient requise pour faire augmenter la Progression d'un événement spéciale.    
Alchemist's supplies Intelligence Potions; miscellaneous (any salves or lotions)
Brewer's supplies Constitution* Potions
Calligrapher's supplies Dexterity Scrolls
Carpenter's tools Dexterity ou Strength Ammunition (arrows, bolts, and blowgun needles), rods, staves, wands, weapons (polearms, blowguns, clubs, darts, greatclubs, javelins, longbows, nunchucks, quarterstaves, shortbows, tridents miscellaneous (anything made of wood)
Cartographer's tools Dexterity ou Intelligence Maps; miscellaneous (anything involving paper), scrolls
Cobbler's tools Dexterity ou Intelligence Miscellaneous (footwear)
Cook's ustensils Constitution Magical meals
Glassblower's tools Constitution ou Dexterity Rods, staves, wands; miscellaneous (anything made of glass)
Herbalism kit Intelligence Potions; miscellaneous (any salves or lotions)
Jeweller's tools Dexterity Miscellaneous (anything involving jewels or precious metals)
Leatherworker's tools Dexterity Armour (light or hide), weapons (whips)
Mason's tools Strength Ammunition (sling bullets), miscellaneous (anything made of stone)
Painter's supplies Dexterity Scrolls
Poisoner's kit Dexterity ou Intelligence Poisons
Potter's tools Dexterity Miscellaneous (anything made of clay)
Smith's tools Constitution ou Strength Ammunition (firearm shot and sling bullets), armour (heavy or medium except hide), rods, staves, wands, weapons (axes, polearms, swords, daggers, flails, javelins, light hammers, maces, mauls, morningstars, tridents, war picks)
Tinker's tools Dexterity Rods, staves, wands, weapons (crossbows, firearms, tommybows), wondrous items (anything with a mechanism)
Weaver's tools Constitution ou Dexterity Armour (padded), weapons (nets, slings miscellaneous (cloaks, hats, robes, anything made of cloth)
Woodcarver's tools Dexterity ou Strength Ammunition (arrows, bolts, and blowgun needles), rods, staves, wands, weapons (polearms, blowguns, clubs, darts, greatclubs, javelins, longbows, nunchucks, quarterstaves, shortbows, tridents miscellaneous (anything made of wood)
Miscellaneous indicates the item could belong to any category. Usually such items specify a material from which they are made. The category this most often applies to is wondrous items.   *This involves more sampling than its counterpart, alchemy.

Cover image: by Midjourney