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Goliaths aren't particularly common to the people in both Safe since most clans reside to the far east, past the ocean in a region of Altoa known as Vast Plains . Although a few have found their way to the Farlands and with very few adventurers in history, having through their sheer renown gotten invitations to live withing the borders of Safe Haven   Goliaths are massive. They average between 7 to 8 feet (2.1 to 2.4 meters) tall, making them even taller than lets say Dragonborn and Half Orcs.   Goliath skin are often gray or brown and extremely tough (often compared to stone).
One of the most distinctive features of the goliath is the darker (often vertically symmetrical) patches of skin that cover their entire bodies.
Goliaths believe that these markings somehow explain or control their fate or destiny. For this reason, goliaths frown on the act of tattooing themselves as this could affect their future. Goliath are littered with bony growths called "lithoderms". These growths are roughly the size of a coin and appear like studded pebbles on their arms, shoulders, torso or head.     Personality   Goliaths' most notable characteristic are their competitiveness. They keep track of their accomplishments and see everything as a challenge. Those not familiar with goliath psychology would often get annoyed when goliaths constantly reminds them how many times a certain thing has happened, thinking them arrogant or self-centered. This is not the case however. To goliaths, score-keeping is a natural and integral part of life, not meant to belittle or demean anyone. But a goliath's most fierce competitor are themselves. Beating their own records is the most satisfying victory for a goliath. They are also competitive with their companions and other goliaths, but seldom arrogant or cocky.   Goliaths have little time for cheaters, gloaters, and sore losers. Goliaths never hold grudges if they loose a fair fight, and would often repeat the goliath maxim that "Today's rival is tomorrow's teammate."   Their constant comparison to their past accomplishments could be hard on goliaths that fail to meet goals or measure up to achievements of the past. Goliaths will often feel dissatisfied with anything that doesn't surpass a victory from their past. This unfortunate element of goliath psychology have led many older goliaths to be very unhappy with themselves when they can no longer perform as well as they could in their youth.   It is rare for goliath adventurers to retire or live to an old age, as they often die trying to surpass their previous achievements. Permanently injured or aging goliaths often seek death in battle rather than succumb to an existence where they will not excel.   Trust and honor are the key aspects of most goliaths. This tradition of honor and trust mean that goliaths tend to be good overall. This combined with their competitive nature often leed goliaths to valorous heroics. Goliaths are also notably daring and fearless. Feats of physical strength and agility, like jumping chasms or climbing cliffs, holds no fear for goliaths. Goliaths are naturally curious beings and love to explore the world around them   Complacency is a trait that goliaths loath and as a result they never take anything for granted. Even goliaths with magical advantages will continue to train their physical prowess in case they ever lost their magical powers.

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Social Structure

Goliath society's key focus is competition. Their society also holds equality and fairness in high regard.   Tribes Goliaths live in small tribes that numbere between forty and sixty goliaths. This is usually made up of three to five extended families. Most goliaths live in the same tribe their entire life. On rare occasions, a tribe that has gotten too large can split into smaller tribes or smaller tribes would merge together.   Goliath tribes tend to have a number of key roles that are filled by the most capable members.   Chieftain The primary authority figure in a tribe. The chieftain is responsible for choosing when the tribe should move on to new lands. The chieftain also chose who fills some of the other key roles in the tribe.   Captain Two captains are assigned to each of the important jobs each morning. These jobs include hunting, gathering, cooking, and scouting. The captains then build their own teams and set out to achieve their task. Two captains are assigned to each task to encourage healthy rivalry.   Skywatcher Often the most experienced druid or shaman of the tribe. Skywatchers make sure that resources are not over harvested and game animals aren't needlessly slaughtered. Skywatchers are often exempt from the teams that the captains assemble each morning. Skywatchers also oversee festivals, rituals, and celebrations.   Dawncaller Responsible for guarding the camp overnight and alerting the tribe if there is trouble. At dawn, they sing or bellowe tales of goliath bravery or heroics to wake everyone up. Dawncallers are assigned daily and given less work throughout the day so they can rest and be alert at night.   Adjudicator Adjudicators settle disputes. Unless urgent, an adjudicator will hear disputes after the evening meal. Tough decisions are often settled with a contest of the adjudicator's devising. If a goliath appeal against an adjudicator's decision, the chieftain settle the dispute, but would then also have to dismiss the adjudicator from their position. Adjudicators also act as referees for sports.   Tent-mother The only sex-specific role in the tribe because one of her jobs is to be a wet-nurse. Chosen by the chieftain each morning, the tent-mother is responsible for care and teaching of the tribe's infants and toddlers, as their parents are often busy with other responsibilities. It is also tent-mothers who decide when young goliaths are old enough to start contributing to the tribe (usually around the age of 10).   Lamentor Responsible for determining when a member of the tribe is too old or weak to serve as a productive member of the tribe. Good lamentors will then approach the individual to explain their decision and consult the chieftain. Once it has been decided, the lamentor prepare a long chant to commemorate the goliath before the tribe exiled the old or weak individual from the tribe. Tribe chieftains only maintain power as long as they can prove they are suitable for that role. As a result, leadership constantly change.
New leaders are chosen by contests. Any goliath can challenge the chieftain in an attempt to replace them. If this happens, the chieftain and the challenger compet in three tasks. The challenger has to win all three to become the new chieftain. The old chieftain will then leave the tribe permanently. Due to the fact that few goliaths live to old age, goliath tribes relie on innate wisdom in their leaders rather than wisdom gained from years of experience.   The competitive nature of goliaths mean that the attitude and achievements of one would quickly inspire the whole tribe. Individuals within tribes will constantly be trying to outdo each other's good deeds. This mean that nearby settlements often stereotype goliaths as heroic and good people.     Law and Justice
Although goliaths have no written laws or codes, there are a number of unspoken rules that are commonly followed by most goliath tribes, discouraging theft and cheating. The greatest rule is obedience to the chieftain and captains.   Because they are nomadic tribes who share belongings or trade goods rather than use gold, conventional punishments like imprisonment or fining are not possible. Instead, tribes often employe the following punishments:   Beating Goliaths caught stealing, cheating, or disobeying the chieftain are beaten. Pain is considered a healthy motivator in goliath society.   Shunning Shunning involve the tribe acting like the criminal doesn't exist. They are not picked for teams and are not provided with food and shelter. A lesser form of shunning for minor crimes, "half-shunning", sees the offending goliath simply treated poorly and as a second-class member of the tribe. The duration of the shunning is never spoken outright, but rather communicated and decided via body language. Many goliaths claim to "just know" how long a shunning should last. Goliaths who brake the shunning risk being shunned themselves. This is a serious transgression, as it threatens goliath society itself.   Exile The worst punishment a goliath can receive is exile. Exile is also the fate of the old, weak, or badly injured who can't contribute to the tribe. It should be noted that these individuals receive a lament to commemorate their lives before their exile. Criminals receive no such treatment.    It is common for a goliath who knows they have failed their tribe to leave the tribe of their own accord, rather than force the tribe into the awkward position of exiling them. Some stubborn goliaths however may have to be forced into exile.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Every goliath has three names: a birth name assigned by the newborn’s mother and father, a nickname assigned by the tribal chief, and a family or clan name. A birth name is up to three syllables long. Clan names are five syllables or more and end in a vowel. Birth names are rarely linked to gender. Goliaths see females and males as equal in all things, and they find societies with roles divided by gender to be puzzling or worthy of mockery. To a goliath, the person who is best at a job should be the one tasked with doing it.   A goliath’s nickname is a description that can change on the whim of a chieftain or tribal elder. It refers to a notable deed, either a success or failure, committed by the goliath. Goliaths assign and use nicknames with their friends of other races, and change them to refer to an individual’s notable deeds.   Goliaths present all three names when identifying themselves, in the order of birth name, nickname, and clan name. In casual conversation, they use their nickname.   Birth Names: Aukan, Eglath, Gae-Al, Gauthak, Ilikan, Keothi, Kuori, Lo-Kag, Manneo, Maveith, Nalla, Orilo, Paavu, Pethani, Thalai, Thotham, Uthal, Vaunea, Vimak   Nicknames: Bearkiller, Dawncaller, Fearless, Flintfinder, Horncarver, Keeneye, Lonehunter, Longleaper, Rootsmasher, Skywatcher, Steadyhand, Threadtwister, Twice-Orphaned, Twistedlimb, Wordpainter   Clan Names: Anakalathai, Elanithino, Gathakanathi, Kalagiano, Katho-Olavi, Kolae-Gileana, Ogolakanu, Thuliaga, Thunukalathi, Vaimei-Laga
"Today's rival is tomorrow's teammate."
It's rare to see a Goliath live longer then 40 years.
Average Height
7‒8 ft (2.1‒2.4 m)
Average Weight
280‒340 lb (130‒150 kg)

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