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Grumph Fellblade


Grumph is a very VERY old Hobgoblin, having just celebrated his 92nd birthday. He has been the arch-inquisitor of King's Bay and is currently training Temptation to take over from him and is very good friends with Cindaere, a local (and prolific) King's Bay Inquisitor.    He fought in the battle for the Bastion as a young man and was left marked by the battle. Disgusted by the mis-use of magic by the Judge and the Dread King. He firmly believes magic is a gift but has to come with an iron fist to punish those who abuse that gift. He is aware of the Grimoire faction and despises Grimoire mages, claiming that they are all violent savages who lust after power.    Thordak has discovered that Grumph has been openly rejecting the notion of assaulting Mount Naggrom with force... this is due to the fact that his brother is the current leader of Mount Naggrom and Grumph doesn't want that blood on his hands.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
He was born during the Dread King's calamity and raised his brother Dimitriev in the aftermath and rebirth of Rasmorae.
The Bastion
Current Residence
King's Bay, he resides in an estate next to the Speaker's Tower.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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