The Artificer's Soul
Ah, another member of the Artificer's Soul... well, I can't say I'm surprised they get more popular year on year. Oh you want to show me your blueprints? Unnecessary. Fill out these forms, attach the applicants fee and the guild will get back to you in 6-9 months.The Artificers Guild stands as one of the most popular guilds in Alturis, most people see inventing as their opportunity to accrue wealth and climb the social ladder and so seek to join the guild, bounce their ideas off others and utilise their resources and materials to see their own ideas come to fruition.Research Artificer Gwendolin Agate
The guild is built into a series of stratas:
- Rookies, new artificer guild members who haven't yet created anything noteworthy enough to climb the ranks of the guild, they are talented inventors and are often searching for the one invention that can help them gain fame and climb the ranks of the faction.
- Research artificer: The next step up, these artificers tend to be more magically inclined and utilise their partnerships with the inquisitors and the Magus centre to draw on their resources and 'build their portfolio'.
- Head Artificer: The leaders of their field who have been bankrolled to reach this far. The current head artificer is one Melvyn I Primrose, a half elf female credited with the original blueprints and arcane engravings for a skyship.
Inventing the Solutions
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
Notable Members