Analog Organization in Aluth | World Anvil
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Analog is one of the most popular bands within Provecta.   Analog is predominatly a punk and pop-punk band with their frontwoman Zoe Priscilla (vocalist) supported by Gloorb (bass), Alexandrov Konstantinovich (lead guitar), Edith Brown (rythm guitar), and Ymir Darda (drums).   The fascination and adoration of Analog stems largely from Gloorb; however, the band and its members have grown far beyond just Gloorb, and are all deeply adored and loved by the fans and society as a whole. Alexandrov and Ymir are childhood friends and had been apart of a variety of bands but had all failed due to internal conficts. Because of this, the two wanted to make a band comprised of people that were not necissarilly the best musicians, but rather, were good people that they liked. This genuine adoration and respect the band members have for one another is seen as a major reason for their success.
Founding Date
Entertainment, Music band

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