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Ecclesia Plyydric

Progenitors of Faith // Cardinal and Unequal

The Ecclesia Plyydric is the religion dedicated to the Twin Gods Plyy, God Py and Goddess Ly, and is overseen by a divinly chosen Nuncio.   There are 5 main branches within the Ecclesia Plyydric: the Carceres pro Criminalibus et Haereticis, the Prósopodedoménonisia, the Plyydric Academia, the Stewardship for Plyydric Children, and The Plyydric Herald.


The structure within the Ecclesia Plyydric can be divided into two categories, the civilian branch and the secruity branch. Superceding both is the Nuncio and their Council of the High Praeticators.

  1. Nuncio: The Nuncio is the religious, political, and cultural leader of the Ecclesia Plyydric. They set the course that the Ecclesia will be taking and overseeing how its done. While they will primarilly reside within Neo Caladrius, the Nuncio has power and duties across all of Aluth.

  2. High Praeticator: High Praeticators comprise the main political body and religious oversight for the Ecclesia and carry out the Nuncio's will when the Nuncio is not present. They also assist the Nuncio in their decision making by: offering different viewpoints, gathering data, overseeing operations, or anything else that is deemed important. A High Praeticator is chosen by the Nuncio directly or by the Council of the High Praeticators.

  3. Procurators: Behind the scenes workers that deal in varying levels of confidentialy. Any individuals within either the civilian or secruity branch can become a Procurator. They can be the assisstants to High Praeticators or the Nuncio; clerks, data analysts, high end human resources, and other basic office jobs but at a high level.

The civilian branch hierarchy is as follows:

  1. Ergátis: The introductory title for any and all individuals that work behind the scenes that allow the Ecclesia Plyydric to run and remain operational. Typically includes jobs such as accounting, human resources, risk management, administrative employees, and any other generic, office style job.

  2. Ierapóstolos: The Ierapóstolos spread the word of the Twin Gods Plyy to the far flung reaches of Aluth. They ensure that those not within Provecta understand and remain knowledgable on the Agiagrafi's teachings, the power of the Twin Gods, and anything else that falls within the purview of the Ecclesia.

  3. Praeticators: Praeticators are deeply devout and knowledgable clerics, paladins, and researchers that lead the Ecclesias and the region or area that it occupies. Praeticators generally only operate within Provecta and are the caretakers, providers, and morale figureheads for their locality.

The secruity branch hierarchy is as follows:

  1. Asfálen: The introductory title for any and all individuals looking to work within the secruity branch. Asfálen are always considered trainees and go through rigerous training for three years. Each year focusing on a different position within the secruity branch, and is taught and overseen by highly trained individuals within that position.

  2. Mathitís: The Mathitís comprise the main ecclesiastical enforcers of law and order and keepers of public peace and safety to individuals within a country, county, or locality that has a sanctioned, official Ecclesia. They operate alongside government sanctioned law agencies but are not beholden to any state's rules and regulations. The Mathitís act only in accordance to the Doctrine of Plyydrian Ideals.

  3. Diathikis: While the Mathitís enforce law and order, the Diathikis work as: detectives for crimes that involve any individuals related to the Ecclesia Plyydric; foreign spies with the main intention to gather information regarding external threats to the Ecclesia; and as advanced information gatherers and disposers, which is how interregation, torture, and executions are portrayed as within the Ecclesia Plyydric.

  4. High Asfálen: The High Asfálen are comprised of the most elite soldiers within the secruity branch, and act as secruity and guards for: extremely important and influential people within the Ecclesia Plyydric; secruity for locations and information that are highly confidential or classified; task forces that deal with large criminal organizations or state-sanctioned powers. Asfálen train for an additonal 20 years before they become High Asfálen.

Public Agenda

The ultimate goal for the Ecclesia Plyydric is to continue to expand its reach for the purpose of showing the beauty, grace, mercy, and knowledge of the Twin Gods Plyy to anyone and everyone across Aluth.


The Ecclesia Plyydric keeps its assets and liabilties under numerous different levels of confidentiality. There are public documents that show various demographic trends and investments towards public goods. The investments are given to every country across Aluth - even those that are not pious towards the Twin Gods Plyy - and supplement government-run initiatives that maintain or improve infrastructure.

Technological Level

The Twin Gods Plyy have consistently granted each Nuncio technological and scientific inventions over the course of their first 5 years of their rule:

  1. Quintus Lurio was granted the knowledge and ability to create the Manacule Cryo-Engine on 22nd of Aluter, -30 B.I.

  2. Herminia Sorio was granted the knowledge and divine powers to be able to lay the ground work for underwater powerlines, cables, and otherwise on the 7th of Zidust, 44 A.I.; this allowed for the power and knowledge within Neo Caladrius to easily be brought to Provecta proper on Agrum.

  3. Titus Iulian was granted the knowledge for easily constructable buildings on 13th of Lorcustus, 73 A.I.. These buildings were able to retain heat far better than previously known at a fraction of the cost, allowing for a massive increase in growth potential within Krýonisí.

  4. Lucinia Esdras was granted the knowledge and know-how to create and produce a variety of different items such as: optical lenses, telephones, refrigerators, telescopes, alongside numerous other civilian-focused technologies across her entire Nuncioship from 74 to 131 A.I.

  5. Falco Caeso Sextilius was granted the knowledge for the printing press on the 17th of Skay, 147 A.I. This sparked a massive, global adoption of the Ecclesia Plyydric, as any and all civilians were now able to read and understand its teachings.

  6. Caepasia Eona was granted the divine magical ability to enchant and enhance items, tools, machines, and otherwise to persist for a seemingly infinite amount of time on 29th of Ichia, 191 A.I. This allowed for magical items to be manufactured at a fraction of the cost.

  7. Drusus Eona was granted the knowledge and divine capabilities to create the Marmárini on the 2nd of Bashaach, 218 A.I., which led to his creation of the Prosfero Initiative on the 11th of Bashaach, 231 A.I.

  8. Artoria Gessia was granted the knowledge and know-how to create radio networks and the ability to broadcast them across the globe on the 20th of Dargoni, 249 A.I. This led directly to the widespread adoption of Catresaelic as the preeminent language, as the radio allowed for the Ecclesia Plyyrdic, and Provecta by extension, to directly influence the global culture.

  9. Varia Otho was granted the divine ability, knowledge, and know-how to create, study, and understand biology and chemistry to an extremely advanced level on 1st of Yaot, 270 A.I., which was the day of his Investiture. This allowed for an immense jump in scientific understanding and knowledge for hummanoid life, allowing for a great lengthening in life-spans, quality of life, and elimination of certain illnesses and diseases.

  10. Proclus aul Furosoio was granted the knowledge, and divine authority, to fundamentally shift and alter the traditions and values firmly held by the Ecclesia Plyydric and written within the Agiagrafi on the 25th of Grember, 337 A.I. They were able to formally remove the following, and implementing more progressive ideas and traditions: rigid gender roles; inherent racism towards non-preffered races - which was largely culturully accepted at the time due to Lucinia Esdras- but the language in the Agiagrafi and spoken by many influential individuals still held inherently racist ideals; alongside countless other traditions that they were able to override due to their divine authority, and exceptional charisma.

  11. Maximus Sylla was granted the knowledge and know-how to create compact versions of the Manacule Cryo-Engine on 21st of Narater, 412 A.I. This allowed for the creation of motorized vehicles and rudimentary planes; greatly improved the productive efficiency of the main Manacule Cryo-Engines within Innocence.

  12. Equitia Corbulo was granted the knowledge and know-how to create cybernetic augmentations and enhancments on 30th of Koldary, 484 A.I. Her Nuncioship herald the age of cybernetisicsm, and the extreme advancements of biomedical and hummanoid technologies.

  13. Aulus Sisenna was granted the knowledge to create harm-free pesticides, a revolutionary way to genetically modify crops and animals, and massivly increase crop yield and time to expire on the 22nd of Aluter, 571 A.I. This considerably increased the ability for individuals across Aluth to gain access to healthy food at a much lower cost and in non-ideal locations.

  14. Lucius Lurio-Nemetorius has not been granted anything yet, as per both the Nuncio himself, as well as the Ecclesia Plyydric.


The Ecclesia Plyydric holds a rather nuanced take on the actions of individuals within their perview. Actions that are generally deemed criminal by governments do not concern the Ecclesia Plyydric, and as such, the Ecclesia will not undermine governmental bodies' stances on issues such as murder, assault, theft, and otherwise. Further, the Ecclesia Plyydric will work together with the governmental law agency if an issue becomes substantial enough and is deemed a threat to the Ecclesia. However, when it comes to issues under the broad umbrella of 'heresy', the Ecclesia Plyydric is afforded unilateral decision making and extra-legal actions to investigate, detain, condemn, or execute those that go against the Ecclesia.    Heretical crimes are detailed within the Agiagrafi. The ideas and issues therein cannot be altered or misadulterated to benefit an individual or individuals for selfish, misguided reasons. Heretical crimes can include but are not limited to the following:

  • discussing the idea of anti-Plyydric ideas and thoughts,
  • insulting the Twin Gods Plyy in a improper manner,
  • falsly claiming knowledge, ideas, or otherwise that were granted to them by the Twin Gods Plyy,
  • falsly claiming to be a Seer,
  • intentional harm brought upon an employee within the Ecclesia Plyydric,
  • intentional harm brought upon a civilian due to religious reasons,
  • claiming or insinuiating to be equal or better than the Twin Gods Plyy,
  • and undermining Ecclesia Plyydric operations or otherwise.


Followers within the Ecclesia Plyydric worship the Twin Gods Plyy, and the Nuncio on the basis and teachings of the Agiagrafi that are preached by Praeticators, Ierapóstolos, and anyone else that commands respect, a deep understanding of the Ecclesia, or anyone that seeks to better the life of everyone.    Traditional values and ideals that restricted occupations, rights, and otherwise to individuals that were either male or female as denoted at birth have been removed from the Agiagrafi under Proclus aul Furosoio's Nuncioship, but certain traditions have remained or altered to allow for greater acceptence and openness towards individuals. Proclus aul Furosoiowas the first non-binary Nuncio, and with their thirteen discussions with the Twin Gods Plyy, they were able to change the fundamental aspects of the Agiagrafi that Quintus Lurio had wrote in. The main articles that they changed are as follows:

  • The recognition and inclusion for people that do not identify as male or female, referred to as non-binary individuals.
  • The removal of language and ideas that promoted "preferred" races.
  • The removal and restructuring of ideas and traditions that now grant women and non-binary individuals equality to men.
  • The removal of sex- and species-restrictions on jobs or traditions.
  • The addition of gendered accessories or additions to uniforms to preserve a level of tradition.
  • The restructuring of language to drastically reduce gross misappropriations of Agiagrafi teachings.
When praying to the Twin Gods Plyy, or when showing respect or affirmation to people within or related to the Ecclesia Plyydric, individuals should put a hand over their chest to do so. The hand and where to place it over their chest varies based on how the individual would describe their gender:

  • Male - place his right hand over the left side of his chest
  • Female - place her left hand over the right side of her chest
  • Non-Binary - place either of their hands over the middle of their chest

Granted Divine Powers

Devoted followers of the Ecclesia Plyydric are granted the ability and power to not only heal the infirmed and the weakened, but to vanquish and destroy those that oppose them. Further, Praeticators, High Praeticators, Ierapóstolos, Diathikis are generally bestowed even greater powers and capabilities as the individuals devotion and leadership grows.    The Nuncio is granted untold powers, knowledge, abilities, and faculties that no other individual could ever acquire. It can range from the mundane sort of teleportation, the ability to read minds and understand one's spirit, the power to bring down whole countries, or countless other things. The Nuncios do not publicly disclose any of their granted divine powers nor do they use them - at least publicly - consistently.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Ecclesia Plyydric holds an unparalleled amount of global influence and power on each and every country. There is not a single state across Aluth where the Ecclesia doesn't have an Ecclesia or a place of worship operated by Ierapóstolos. This affords them a massive level of intelligence and data of the global population, and is not beholden to any one individual state.   With the Ecclesia Plyydria being located within Neo Caladrius, and with its creating and founding within that same area, the Ecclesia Plyydric holds immense influence over the city. So much so, that the Board of Directors for Governmental Affairs, which is led by the Nuncio, operates and controls Neo Caladrius as a city-state within the borders of Provecta. The Board of Directors grants Provecta and Her Monarch insight, and a certain level of power to discuss Provecta's international and domestic affairs, but no actual power or voting rights.    In smaller nation-states that have a small or infirmed government, lean on the power, authority, and knowledge that the Ecclesia Plyydric holds if pervasive issues take hold within the populous. The Ecclesia will not immedietly act without regard for the state's laws and regulations, but will speak and gather information from at least 51% of its population and will act accordingly to satiate the demands of the civilians. 

Forever // Guiding

Founding Date
Aluter 22nd, 0 A.I.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Church of Plyydroitism, The Ecclesia,
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Permeated Organizations
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Related Myths

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