Auto-Injector Item in Aluth | World Anvil
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Sensors are distributed through your body and hooked up to an injector, which can be filled with drugs, potions, or chemicals of the user’s choice. At tier 3, you have more flexibility for choosing substances.
    Tier 1. You can choose up to two substances to fill the injector with over the course of a long rest, and the substance is used in the process. When you do so, you set a triggering circumstance for each substance to be automatically consumed. For example, this cyberware may be set to administer a med serum when the user goes is reduced to 0 hit points.       You can choose to flush any substance filled into your injector at any time to make room for new substances. Once you have regained hit points from this cyberware, you cannot do so again until you have finished a long rest.
    Tier 3. You can choose up to four substances to fill the injector with over the course of a long rest, and the substance is used in the process. When you do so, you set a triggering circumstance for each substance to be automatically consumed. For example, this cyberware may be set to administer a med serum when the user goes is reduced to 0 hit points.       You can choose to flush any substance filled into your injector at any time to make room for new substances. You can use this cyberware to consume substances that restore your hit points up to two times. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Item type
Owning Organization
Base Price
Tier 1: $3,000 | Tier 3: $300,000


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