Cryoinfused Lead Item in Aluth | World Anvil
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Cryoinfused Lead

Cryoinfused lead is both a magically and technologically enhanced sheet of lead that successfully prevents all technological and magical effects from passing through.

Manufacturing process

The process of creating Cryoinfused Lead is relatively straightforward once the requiset tools and magical paraphenallia are provided. Superacooled Manacule are taken from the caverns of the Pagoméno Phizog, which must be handled with extreme care, and are brought to the Innocence factories. Once there, the Manacule is repeadedly pounded into a sheet of lead that is repaired by Magical Technicians after each instance. The process takes roughly six hours and half a dozen employees overseeing it and results in a Cryoinfused Lead sheet that weighs roughly 8x more than the original sheet, but remains the same size.


Cryoinfused Lead's development was overseen by the CEO of Innocence Takeo Hairston in 497 A.I..
Item type
Trade/Manufactured good
Creation Date
497 A.I.
Owning Organization
32 lbs
1 square foot
Base Price
Related Materials


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