Dermal Barrier Item in Aluth | World Anvil
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Dermal Barrier

Plasteel panels are installed in your arms and shoulders that can extend and automatically shift to block attacks. Depending on the installation details, the panels can either shift to avoid disturbing your aim, be translucent, or have built in cameras and LEDs to display the area to you. The deployed barriers can also be directed to protect your nearby allies.       You can deploy or retract your barrier as a bonus action. While the barrier is deployed your speed is reduced by 10 and at the end of each of your turns, you decide which way a 150-foot cone faces and whether the cone is active. You have three-quarters cover against attacks and effects from creatures and vehicles in the cone. Creatures of your choice within 5 feet of you also benefit from this cover.
Item type
Owning Organization
Base Price


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