Dopamine Booster Item in Aluth | World Anvil
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Dopamine Booster

The user is constantly fed a slow drip of dopamine, which boosts the user’s confidence in social and tense situations. The cyberware can also enhance the effect of other drugs and chemicals, allowing them to flush the brain with an overwhelming high that leaves room for nothing else. At tier 3, dopamine is just a single element in the cocktail of tailored hormones and chemicals that flood your brain, leaving room for little else.  
    Tier 1. You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma ability checks and Charisma saving throws. You have advantage on saving throws against drug addiction.       Additionally, when you consume a dose of drugs, you can end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed, and gain temporary hit points equal to your level. These temporary hit points are added to those gained from the drug consumed, if any were gained. You can’t use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.  
    Tier 3. You gain a +4 bonus to Charisma ability checks Charisma and saving throws. You have advantage on saving throws against drug addiction. You are immune to the charmed condition.       Additionally, when you consume a dose of drugs, you can gain temporary hit points equal to your level. These temporary hit points are added to those gained from the drug consumed, if any were gained. If the drug would let you add a dice to ability checks or saving throws, add an additional 1d4 to the roll. You can’t use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest
Item type
Owning Organization
Base Price
Tier 1: $3,000 | Tier 3: $30,000


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