Elastic Joints Item in Aluth | World Anvil
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Elastic Joints

Cartilage and connective tissue are old news. This cyberwarereplaces all of that with extremely flexible synthetic materials that can be crushed, cramped, and contorted without lasting injury to the user. May cause nausea to those who view it in action.       If you are grappled or restrained, you can spend half your movement to automatically escape. As a reaction, when you would be knocked prone by an effect, you can instead choose not to be. You can move through spaces that are half as wide as you normally can without squeezing, and you can move through spaces as narrow as your head.       Additionally, when you fail on a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to succeed instead. You can’t use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.
Item type
Owning Organization
Base Price


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