Elemental Emitter Item in Aluth | World Anvil
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Elemental Emitter

A small arcane battery is installed into your body, with synthetic ley lines that trace their way down your arms to your hands. The battery is charged by soaking in ambient magic, and you can discharge the battery to cause elemental havoc. At higher tiers, this cyberware stores progressively more and more magic, and the emitters are capable of unleashing catastrophic forces.       As an action, you can use a free hand to launch a burst in one the following patterns: in a cone, in a 5-foot wide line, or in a sphere at a point you can see within 120 feet of you. Each target in the area must succeed on a saving throw based on the damage type. On a successful save, they receive half damage.       The tier of this cyberware determines the amount of damage it deals, its saving throw DC, how many charges it has, and how many charges it regains at dawn. It also determines the maximum size of the burst you can create, with each larger burst size requiring additional charges expended. For example, with a Tier 2 elemental emitter, you can expend 1 charge to create a 30-foot line, or 2 charges to create a 60-foot line  
FeatureTier 1Tier 2Tier 3
Damage 4d6 6d6 8d6
Saving Throw DC 14 16 18
Max Charges 4 6 8
Charges Regained at Dawn 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d6 + 2
Minimum Tier RequirmentConeLineSphereCharge Cost
Tier 1 15 ft. 30 ft. 10 ft. 1
Tier 2 30 ft. 60 ft. 20 ft. 2
Tier 3 60 ft. 120 ft. 30 ft. 3
    When this cyberware is installed, choose one of the following damage types and corresponding saving throws when you have this cyberware installed.
  • Acid. The saving throw for this damage type is Dexterity. Targets that fail a saving throw caused by this cyberware grant advantage to the first attack made against them before the end of your next turn.
  • Cold. The saving throw for this damage type is Constitution. Targets that fail a saving throw caused by this cyberware have their movement speed halved until the end of your next turn.
  • Fire. The saving throw for this damage type is Dexterity. Targets that fail a saving throw caused by this cyberware begin burning for 1 minute, and take 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns.
  • Lightning. The saving throw for this damage type is Dexterity. Targets that fail a saving throw caused by this cyberware can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.
  • Thunder. The saving throw for this damage type is Constitution. Vehicles and creatures made out of inorganic material have disadvantage on saving throws caused by this cyberware.
Item type
Owning Organization
Base Price
Tier 1: $3,500 | Tier 2: $35,000 | Tier 3: $350,000


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