Kellellis Bloodline Organization in Aluth | World Anvil
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Kellellis Bloodline

The Kellellis Family are the hereditary rulers of Provecta and make up the Provecta Monarchy. Furthermore, they established a highly powerful corporation Provecta Outfit that has dozens of sub-businesses, allowing them to have reach and power in a variety of different aspects outside of their public effects within the monarchy.   Protus Kellellis was the first Monarch of the Kingdom of Catresal. While the Kingdom of Catresal may have dissolved, the hereditary rule of the Kellellis continued in the new country of Provecta, with Eleni Kellellis being the first Queen of Provecta.   Anyone that is not the blood-related child of the direct monarchical line cannot take the name Kellellis, including the spouses of the monarchs.   The current head of the Kellellis Family is Maa-Khojin Kellellis.
Political, Family
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Family Leader
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Official State Religion
Related Species


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